7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y157. Fund Analysis (Bulletin) 4 Mar 2022 A. Holding, Enterprise, Foundation (Intellectual Property)Zero Trade Deficit, High ProfitEconomic Crisis, Fasci Economy Body, Mafia Fund, Bond vs Fluid AssetBuddhism, Federalism/Commonwealth, WWF World Wide Reserved FundLabour Union (Classical Music, Piano,…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y156. How to each Ethnic gain wisdom & health? (Broadcast) 3 Mar 2022 United Nations, Communism - Medium Trade Deficit->Medium Economical ReturnsQuality Management, SME Small & Medium Engineering, GNP, Productivity - Quality & Material SelectionCambodia, Ukraine, Portuguese, Spain, Jewish & Gentile, Africa, Japan,…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y156. How to each Ethnic gain wisdom & health? (Broadcast) 3 Mar 2022 United Nations, Communism - Medium Trade Deficit->Medium Economical ReturnsQuality Management, SME Small & Medium Engineering, GNP, Productivity - Quality & Material SelectionCambodia, Ukraine, Portuguese, Spain, Jewish & Gentile, Africa, Japan,…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y155. Four Image of God (Broadcast) 3 Mar 2022 Spiritual Body: Eastern Orthodox (Christianity, Multi-theism)Revelation, HeavenClean Energy Economy e.g. Tesla – World War ConspiracySt Joseph vs Satan Holy Spirit: Fundamentalism (Islam, Trinity)Epistle, OrientalDigital Economy e.g. Google – New World…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y154. Human Right Concerns Part II Nationalism (Census) 2 Mar 2022 1. NATO ally Nazi Network (Tionghua Chinese), All (Germany)Social Security/Accident or Injured Life Insurance->DisabilitySpy Agent/(Satan)士 2. Vatican ally Taliban (E-commerce Union a.k.a. Organ Trading Economy Conspiracy), False Spirit (Russia)Hype Economic…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y153. The conceptual Artificial Gill (Whitepaper) 1 Mar 2022 Your vocal. Is your Heart Beat. You can't loss your vocal. Its Combustion of Chemistry. Air Supply. There is alternative. Maintain the heart beat. By supply of food energy. With…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y152. The Equipping of Authentic Christian (Broadcast) 1 Mar 2022 Safety Net to Parachute Just one more time. Ground is non necessary. But Pillar. We all have to learned. 2 colour wires. There automatic cut-off resistor. At light speed. Kindergarten…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y151. The 2nd Home of Nazi (Bulletin) 1 Mar 2022 Church ReformationWe need stay on the top as Righteous. Not follow the norms, and become illness and compromise security. To do that, we need reform our Music. The Church Music.…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y150. The Know-how of Electric Car Industry (Whitepaper) 1 Mar 2022 IntegrityIntegrity is all about to be voices. Or just read the bible. Credential hungry man. You got to raise up one day. I see for spiritual identity. A humble man…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y149. The Break-in of Electric Car (Whitepaper) 1 Mar 2022 Nuclear PoweredFor Climate Change, You have to win over the Economic Crisis and second you have to win over the Alternative Energy. Economic Performance world wide is performance over growth…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y148. Oriental Judgement Part II (Broadcast) 27 Feb 2022 Theology (Spiritual Body): Eastern Orthodox (Christianity, Multi-theism), NATO/FBI Federation (Cybercrime, Church)Blues (88 Key Progressive Weighted), Matrices (Multiple Rhythm)7per Hexagram, Revelation, Chemical, Heaven, 6G, World War (Erotic Defect), Span 100 yearsHeaven:…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y147. Human Right Concerns (Census) 25 Feb 2022 1. Social Security/Accident or Injured Life Insurance NATO (Germany/Australia) 2. Hype Economic Culture/Cult activities or Erotic Defect Vatican (Italy/Netherland) 3. Psychology/Intellectual Credential NASA (Australia/Korea) 4. Psychiatry/War Criminal FBI (Japan/Hongkong) 5.…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y146. Let’s called the things off. (Whiteboard) 24 Feb 2022 The War Treaty The initiative of Russia control the Corner of Europe continent is apparently valid, that due to current World Office is dominated in the Wrong hands. War Crime…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y145. Comparison between Fusion, Combustion and Electrodialysis (Whitepaper) 19 Feb 2022 Global Seismi Hazard Map A. Applied Physics, Mechanical, Biblical, Game Theory (6per)Fluorescent Light, Economic Science (Law Inclined), Pro Semitic (Fundamentalist/Atheism, Pre-baptism Agnostic), Shia IslamPower depend on Public Usage, Nuclear Fusion…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y144. 医学探索之佛教与回教近时代斗争(Bulletin) 16 Feb 2022 举列佛教与回教的斗争渐渐从七十年代泰国半岛越南战争缅甸战争至今日的新疆改造训练营,罗兴亚人危机,中国六四事件,台湾两岸局势,香港逃犯条约等。 人道危机,人权自由,基督徒迫害,文字狱,宗教自由都是受到西方社会关注的。 而其中混杂了,稀土经济阴谋,气候变化阴谋,干净能源阴谋。 而佛教与回教的盼望在于中国的统一,区域与远东国家的和谐。这就是我们所知道的“丝绸之路”,一条高速经济通往东方极乐世界,就是基督教的天堂。 遗憾的是,天堂是个秘密,各国都拼命的掩饰与保持暧昧关系。 这主要有六大经济体之医学博弈,再说一次,医学博弈 。称之为医学复兴时代。Medicine Renaissance. 大家都知道,医学研究需要克服经济风暴,气候危机,能源危机等。就证明了,强调经济, 法律次序道德上的成功才是医学成功的关键。 #5 Communism 共产党 (Oriental Democracy 东方民主)->New Age 新世代宗教 (French->Semitic), Optometry (ENT Disease, Dental)(Environmental Pollution inclined) #2 Federation 俄联邦 (Federal Constitutionism…
5. Economics Review 经济评论 (Letter)… Y143. Colony Slave System (Review) 14 Feb 2022 Let's Drop away Academic Excellency, and Promote toward Long Hierarchy Job for Good Social Orderliness. Japan and Singapore has good model on this. Ban Colony & Slave System for immoral…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y142. 如何对抗纳粹与联合国。(Bulletin) 11 Feb 2022 A picture meant a thousand words. 是我们的朋友,是我们的敌人?Keep your ass shut. 今天的主题是要探讨灵恩派的逆向教导。对不起,在这之前,我想要对纳粹做个总结。这对Covid-19病变破解非常关键。反对声量越大,身为使徒的我们越要坚持。尽管今天的工作是我独自一人。身为盐的我们,独自一人力量可以是强大千万Lumen,即是Supernova。 废话不多说。言归正传,基督教会可分为九份。就是一正,一邪。路德宗新教,加尔文派,长老会很有名望,被误判为邪派。顺势起兵的是灵恩派的崛起。被看成反德国路德宗。这两派的斗争是纳粹与联合国之争。纳粹法西斯制度是制造经济体与基督对抗。反基督主义。而那经济体就是各纳粹成员。当然赔本生意。无法赚正当钱财。如恐怖主义金融危机引发气候变化,疫情病毒疫苗欺骗,核武地产泡沫等 所以说,做坏事不能挣钱。让我们看看西方国家的经济。纳粹成员在亚洲。西方的经济非常健全,识字率很高。所以西方的高等教育是全面开放的,不会供不应求。这就是经济发达。看看东方国家,识字率不在话下,知识分子被文字狱。等等。我们中国人抬不起头是因为没钱。我的天。 所以打击纳粹经济体的方法就是玩金钱游戏。就是发动世界大战。在六大经济体的博弈中,最终胜出的必定是俄联邦为首。胜券在握。都说了,做坏事挣不了钱的。收旧报纸吧。 这信用额度越来越儿戏。鬼才信你。没错,华尔街股盘。无法交出成绩单。铤而走险。是偏向联合国这边。共产党经济。林肯废除的奴隶制度又回来了。在这样的体制下,世界大战稳亏的。是时候把一条腿从亚洲撤退。东方的时代还没到。修复以色列城墙是当下之急。 看看中国各大城市与新加坡的摩登化? 几乎就是开倒车。改革开放中国就是六四!!对与错我们交给历史裁判。吃苹果太多,变成‘恰恰’!!红海行动是必须的。始终贯一。习主席辛苦了。中美合一是当下局势。 现在开始进入灵恩派的逆向教导课题。基督教导可分为现实,末世,天国。逆向教导有,摩西十诫,末世盼望,天国爱情。就是信,望,爱。 摩西十诫的亲和力,反之为猪八戒。举例,崇拜不可知伪善力量;惯性迫切祷告;金钱孝道,等等。 曲解之下末世盼望变成,无花果长叶子是坏人觉醒;东方闪电与秃鹰是恐怖主义;假基督与假基督徒是灵恩派;救世主与海啸是疫情肆虐等。打击邪恶势力的盼望扭曲成经济阴谋。 天国爱情,地下捆绑的,天上也捆绑。天上释放,地上也释放。天国爱情就是地球的爱情,一样的。爱情是现实不是理想。错,天国不娶也不嫁。自由恋爱,柏拉图爱情。足以构成了成千上万的爱情故事。 这就是灵恩派的逆向教导带来的狂热。就是无神论,拜金主义!! - 全文完 - Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai…
6. Medicine Journal 医学纂集 (Graph)… Y141. How compare between Biology, Medicine & Veterinary (Journal) 10 Feb 2022 Veterinary Science. Its not Medicine but Medical. Surgery is Medical. All these based on Christianity Theology as Foundation. Three Theology as Foundation, Calvinism Theology (Islam), Arminianism (Buddhism). Anabaptism (New Age).…
6. Medicine Journal 医学纂集 (Graph)… Y141. How compare between Biology, Medicine & Veterinary (Journal) 10 Feb 2022 Veterinary Science. Its not Medicine but Medical. Surgery is Medical. All these based on Christianity Theology as Foundation. Three Theology as Foundation, Calvinism Theology (Islam), Arminianism (Buddhism). Anabaptism (New Age).…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y140. World War is Final (Whiteboard) 10 Feb 2022 Guarantor. Let's share.. This is the secret to defeat your opponent. The Brake. A Machine cannot without Stopper, Brake or Escape, Reset. A Syndicate cannot stand without Sign board. An…
5. Economics Review 经济评论 (Letter)… Y139. Clean Energy Economy Doubts. (Review) 10 Feb 2022 #CarbonEmission #combustion #Co_Products #High_Ecology_Payload #Ecology_Imbalanced #Ban_diesel #Errata_16Feb2022 Clean energy is high maintenance Electronic Borned. And Electronic Technology had not fully established. The Economy Loading is very high. Best thing comes…
5. Economics Review 经济评论 (Letter)… Y138. The Introduction of New Economic System (Review) 3 Feb 2022 Does Chinese Obey the Social Bonding? Since the Ancient Chinese, the Social Bonding start from Ancestry. That is general Germanic practised. We have 3 group. Worship God, Worship Ancestry and…