Y1058. Piracy Resolution: The Tax had Deepening & Darkening the Academy Grounded Democracy Society & Industry (Bulletin)

Why Certain Economics has certain Piracy Granted, list the solidary industry hard works.

Oriental (Asia TW-CN, Pyramid 60:40)- Copyright Book Grant, OEM e.g. Textile, CPPC rating
Standard, Learning Economics
Pandemic->Tsunami Threat, Nuclear Armageddon Shield Government KR/AU

Adventist (Japan/NZ, Rainbow bridge, Eucharist Maxwell, 99%:1%) – TradeMark Article Grant, OJM e.g. Housing, CP rating
Just in Time, Summit Economics
Terrorism->Nuclear Threat, Pandemic Armageddon Shield Government US/MY

Promised Land (Western/HK, 40:60) – Licenses Music Grant, ODM e.g. Electronics, PC rating
Eco, Harmony Economics
Tsunami->Pandemic Threat, Terrorism Armageddon Shield Government SG/UK

Utopia (Asia SGMY, Twin Galaxy 75:75) – Patent Movie Grant, OBM e.g. Pharmacy, CAP rating
Perfect, Golden Economics
Nuclear->Terrorism Threat, Tsunami Armageddon Shield Government TW/RUS

Reason on that violates the Ecosystem western and asia, Research versus Factory.

And Piracy has rooted on Ecosystem Harmony, for the sustainability of the industrial, particular on PC area.

There are Textile OEM, Pharmacy ODM, Electronics OBM, and Housing OJM, each of it required Certified Tax or called it Piracy, for legitimate those OEM, ODM, OBM, and OJM.

For example,
Meta Tax for Housing,
Duty Tax for Pharmacy,
VISA Tax for Textile,
Service Tax for Electronics.

Tax legislation is for Entire Industrial Ecosystem operation prevented industrial stalled and further prevent from Technology Stalled and Economics Recession bring Cult aftermath series effects.

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