Y307. Branded Product Design 名牌产品设计 (Review)

Rich of tens. This means the Edge factor is periodic. The technique take place. The victory over obstacle has assurance, but not victory over failure. Failure could be forever.

The technique could created all Victory. This required rich of language precision. The Communication Protocol determine the Successful of Readability.

In which the Social Bonding weighted distributed. For example the Music Script. It had to prioritised on Folks rather than Skilled.

In turns, this kind of protocol is the most coverage. This differentiate the Classic Song and Noise. So as the News articles.

And Profitable Business is about this. The Pros and Cons is contribution vs influence. This makes. 10 level of Protocol.

Same thing what Climate protocol adapt. The max effectiveness can only 93.3%. The edge take over by weather. That’s the reign-ability of Christian God.

This number formula is like 42 divided by 45. Debating, another formula is 1 divided by 8, 87.5% theoretical effectiveness.

From here, it determine the Ukraine Battle, of Roman Vatican vs Authentic Catholic. In which the marriage makes the discrepancy.

To elaborate more, it is the Ranking of World Community. Say Top 10. For All time rank or Present time rank determine the Marriage.

Which debate the existence of Age lock. And Assurance of Eternal Life. Purely based on Macroscopic. Whereby to Conquer Evil is to conquer Ageing and Death.

Make Marriage as closure. Simply, each 1st Born, Semitic or Christian, their Holiness is progressive growth. This is called Eternal Life.

True Holy Spirit rule out eternal life. That Contrast Vatican vs Catholic, in Living Quality. This Victory had plotted.

For Marriage is the Tomb of love. Lets each kind gather. And this form up sky. Unity make land, Liberal make sky.

Holy Spirit diminished or amplified etc, depend on liberality. 2nd born or non semitic, false christian are grouped in one channel, to be frank.

That the importancy of democracy of Chinese. Most country surpass us, those 1st Born Lamb, or Christian or Semitic the Natalie.

And they cant read or cant speak properly english. This not about skeptic, but it had deteriorated as time goes by. Agree or not?

The Bone tells this. Some people argue man-made and god made. It about placebo versus progressive. Algorithm of Mind will adapt to our identity.

But this can be enhanced by Training. This separate Goat and Sheep ultimately. The Natal versus Post-Natal. Cautious of Training the Natal.

This makes Frog, in which Music start with Frog, and makes Heritage and Real Wealth toward Heaven. The Meta Science.

Without Retro of Music, it cant progress. And this is the Archaelogy Science. Music is Progressive Reformed along timeline.

That is low Counts reach, but Retro Music is high Counts reach. There are total 2 kind of Meta Science. New Jerusalem and New Taiwan.


直接把资本主义与民主主义分离。当然不是资本主义就是洋派。完全取决于先天与后天的训练。资本主义是9 note C added scale. 民主主义是7 note less 2 note C major scale.










不可siam。要cure & Fix.才能取得高成功率。不可修理的东西就烧掉不是扔海。这叫做放大效益。烧掉的东西将变小,扔掉的东西将被放大。




所以不会有亚洲软件开发商。尤其是作业驱动系统OS。同行者一起跟着关门。如何解决的方法就在于模组化。4in1 vs 3in1。

这样的电脑平台,低热量排放,缺点是多媒体应用的局限。导致高硬体基本需求。就是转嫁附加价格于客户。这样盈利高,质量高,产量高,就是不折不扣的盒子电脑,Mini PC。

可是捋夺了苹果平台的份额,将导致增加零售价,良性竞争。或相反。垄断市场策略。所以Windows死路一条, 就是让Apple故步自封。


就是产品好才能赚大钱。否,则亏。产品演化,Product Improvisation e.g. Face Lift。于事无补。省了吧。浪费时间浪费钱。

就是为什么科技停顿的原因。Technology Stalled 产品效益不好。Product Effectiveness, and Product Success Rate。有一群错的消费者,一群错的生产商。产品从新配对。Product Rechannel。红海变蓝海。蓝海变红海。就是Mac Mini换Engineering是最好的方法。



所以另外产品导航目标也是关键。Product Navigated Target. 就是不停的换核心。或消费性原料的研发。比如量子能量。


这一切叫做名牌产品设计。Branded Product Design. 当然也叫做全面产品设计,Total Product Design。

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
敬 畏 耶 和 华 是 智 慧 的 开 端 ; 认 识 至 圣 者 便 是 聪 明 。箴 言 9:10

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