Y601. Criminology XXX: Economic Belt & 16per Dust the Informatic Crime (Post)

Israel Nativity of 6 Chronicle Era

Olive Economic Belt the 6 kinds.

Organic Lambda Index same, #9. The quantum dust. i.e. Salted Fibre

Manna Origin: ISR (2nd), Gross Capital Federation

Kiwi Origin: AU (3rd), Gross Capital Federal

Peanut Origin: UK (4th), Biblical per Capita

Olive Origin: RUS (5th), Biblical per Capita

Pineapple Origin: MY (6th), Meta per Capita

Mint: SG (1st), Meta per Capita

Economic Belt defined as Trade Deficit Belt Ranked. Lock Trade Zone and Free Trade Zone.

e.g. India. Prime Rank is Singapore due to Strait Dust of High Rank the Moon River Dust of #16. It will ultimately become Organic, from Dust to Organic, the Original Image of God.

Hence, the International Meta Law can made. Naval Sea Law thence. As long as China was Lock down as Renaissance Dynasty throw back the Lock Trade Zone.

Spider net: Hierarchy search engine method


Dust #1: Fibre Net

Dust #16 Strait, the famous Moon River Dust

Dust #9 Quantum Dust, the Olive New Israel. i.e. Parallel Eden Garden Footage Milestone.

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