Y644. Christian Finance Z3: The Climate Protocol Reinvention (Review)

i. Moses Law: Iteration 1st i.e. R1, R2, R3
Semitic Dominated->Germanics Dominated->African Dominated
Social Bonding->Social Security->Social Harmony
Climate Change->Global Warming->Earth Quake
Covid, Vital Paralysis->Covid 19 bordered, Viral Capita->Covid AtoZ generic, Virus Disease

*mind & mindsets a series 555 242424, Chage your view change your things.

Hence, the Economy Closure is what sought after to guard the Climate Protocol.

The Golden Rule here,

ii. Moses Law: Iteration 2nd i.e. R4, R5, R6
High GINI Capital -> High GDP Capital -> High GNP Capital
Federal Socialist Economy ->Federation Communist Economy ->Nativity Commonwealth Economy

iii. Moses Law: Iteration 3rd i.e. R7, R8, R9
High GINI per Capita ->High GDP per Capital ->High GNP per Capita
National Socialist -> International Communist ->Global Class Capitalism

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