1A1. Music, and its role to Church and Other Religion

Nazism – Jazz Music – Winds – Suspended Scale i.e. G-sus – Bridge – Religion Diplomacy
Marxism – Rock Music – Strings – Harmonic Minor Scale i.e. Am – Introduction – Christianity Revolution
Nazism – Blue Music – Guitar – Diminished Scale i.e. G-7th – Chorus – Religion Unity
Fusionism – Hymn Music – Piano – Harmonic Major Scale i.e. C-maj – Verse – Christianity Reformation
Fascism – Metal Music – Percussion – Augmented Scale i.e. C-aug – Conclusion – Christianity Evolution

What is Blues Music and Hymn Music? Please explain how it related to the Evolution of Music and Ethnic Genre.

Blues Music is different from Piano music instead using Piano Harmony Major Scale using Electric Guitar Blue Scale.
Piano Harmony Major Scale is Episcopal Church Genre. Electric Guitar Blue Scale is Pentecostal Church Genre.

The difference beyond that include Pentecost Chorus Style and Virgin Born Formatted Style.
Blue Music was ban in 1980s, and Hymn Music was ban in 2000s.
Blue Music significant of Religion Unity. Hymn Music significant of Reformation of Christianity.
Blues originated from United States, and Hymn Music originated from United Kingdom.

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