2A14. When Apostle meet Medicine and/or Disaster

A. Pentecost: Holy Spirit by Grace: Acts & Apostles Epistles by Anti-Terrorism
Parent: Truth, Social Science
Experiment i.e. Debug
e.g. Britannica Encyclopedia
Outbreak, Inheritor
Food Borne i.e. Germ Odour, Symptom: Pancreas Error (Present Sins, AQ)
Treatment: Amplified Radio Therapy e.g. Crystal Stone
The Glycemic index: Strong Skin: Pancreas, Kidney
Hormone System 荷尔蒙系统 vs Endocrine System 内分泌系统
Scent Therapy

B. Christian Science: Spiritual Body: Moses Law by Anti Climate Change
Ancestry: Theory, Applied Physics
Theoretical i.e. Layout
e.g. Chaos Theory
Leprosy, Terminal
Drink Borne i.e. Bacterial, Symptom: Heart Error (Original Sins, IQ)
Treatment: Sterilisation Treatment, Surgery e.g. Inflammation pick up.
The Blood pressure index: Strong Muscle: Heart, Spleen
Metabolism System 新陈代谢 vs Digested System 消化系统

C. Biblical: Holy Spirit by Gift: Four Gospel by Anti Plague
Individual: Ethic, Theology
Experimental i.e. Testing
e.g. New Biblical Standard
Plague, Geology
Fluid Borne i.e. Germs, Symptom: Liver Error (Past Sins, CQ)
Treatment: Pharmacy Nutrition Programs e.g. Atkin Diet Programs, High G.I Diet Programs.
The Cholesterol index: Strong Bone: Liver, Inner ear
Immune System 免疫系统 vs Skeletal System 骨架系统

D. Christian Mathematics: Genetic: Revelation by Anti Epidemic
Sibling: Theorem, Music
Protocol i.e. Process
e.g. Game Theory
Epidemic, Career
Insect Borne i.e. Virus, Symptom: Lung Error (Mortal Sins, CQ)
Treatment: Physiology e.g. Sanitary Control All Times
The Antioxidant index: Strong Hair: Lung, Right Brain, Left Brain, Small Intestine
Inhale System 呼吸系统 (3 type)

E. Christian Law: Holy Spirit by Burden: Prophet Prophecy by Anti Nuclear i.e. Pandemic
Enemy: Justice, Medicine
Research i.e. Compile
e.g. Physiology Behaviour Judgement
Pandemic, Organic
Animal Borne i.e. Spore, Symptom: Kidney Error (Future Sins, EQ)
Treatment: Chemo Therapy e.g. Organic Derivative Product a.k.a. Alcohol.
The Calories index: Strong Nerve: Sex Gland, Large Intestine
Reflexology System 反射系统 vs Ligament System 韧带系统

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