Nutriology 草药
Dental 牙科; Neurology 神经科: Bacteria<-Antibiotic 抗生素<-Insulin<-Spleen<-Coughing
Antibiotic i.e. Probiotics; Bacteria: Cell, Gene
Organism e.g. Stem cell, Vaccine (Use by injection)
Insulin i.e. Protein e.g. Meat
Bacterial form but function as Toxic
Complicated i.e. Formula Milk incl. Chocolate (Lactose derivative) vs Alcoholic i.e. Fresh Milk (Lactose)
Physiotherapy 推拿
Psychology 心理; Psychiatric 精神科: Virus<-Antibody 抗体<-Hormone<-Sex Gland<-Fever
Antibody; Virus: No cell, Gene
Alkaline e.g. Ribena, Digestive (Use by soluble)
Hormones i.e. Monosaccharide e.g. Vitamin
Virus form but function as Fungi
Large Chain i.e. Unprocessed Fruit (Nil) vs Living i.e. Herbs (Nil)
Orthopedic 跌打
Surgery 手术; Gastroenterology 肠胃科: Toxic<-Antitoxin 抗毒素<-Enzyme<-Small Intestine<-Nausea
Antitoxin i.e. Antioxidant; Toxic: No cell, No Gene
Inorganic e.g. Panadol, Analgesic (Use by mouth)
Enzymes i.e. Organism e.g. Biscuit
Toxic form but function as Bacterial
Alcoholic i.e. Liquor (Maltose derivative) vs Complicated i.e. Wine (Maltose)
Medicine 内科; Oncology 肿瘤科: Fungi<-Antigen 抗原<-Mucosa<-Pancreas<-Diarrhea
Antigen; Fungi: Cell, No Gene
Organic e.g. Penicillin, Steroid (Use by skin)
Mucosa i.e. Polysaccharide e.g. Honey
Fungi form but function as Virus
Living i.e. Raw Honey (Sucrose derivative) vs Large Chain i.e. Bird Nest (Sucrose)
a. Herbs incl. Nutrition Treament
Positive Ingredient
*The Insulin must as Complicated as possible to eat Bacterial cell.
*The Hormones i.e. Monosaccharide must as Large Chain as possible to vanish Virus.
*The Enzyme must as Alcoholic as possible to vanish Toxic.
*The Mucosa i.e. Polysaccharide must as Living as possible to dissolve Fungi.
*However in practical e.g. Alkaline instead of Inorganic used as Antitoxin, and Organic instead of Organism used as Antibiotic.
Minus Ingredient
*The Insulin must as Alcoholic as possible to vanish Virus.
*The Hormones i.e. Monosaccharide must as Living as possible to dissolve Toxic.
*The Enzyme must as Complicated as possible to eat Complicated Fungi.
*The Mucosa i.e. Polysaccharide must as Large Chain as possible to vanish Bacteria cell.
*Insulin is Fungi, decay immediately with time. e.g Meat, Milk, Wine
Hormone is Bacterial, merge logarithm with time. e.g Fruits, Rice
Enzyme is Virus, growth exponential with time. e.g Fish, Biscuit, Bread, Beer
Mucosa is Toxic, spread gradually to other variant with time. e.g. Herbs, Honey
(‘Five Loaves and Two Fish’, Application of Gospel)
*Beer->Yeast发酵, Chemical Brew酿造->Virus, Enzyme->Purity
Wine->Ferment提炼, Biologically Cultured培植->Fungi, Insulin->Crystalline
*There are 6 type of glucose. Lactose乳糖, Sucrose蔗糖, Maltose麦芽糖, and its derivative.
1+1‘ Lactose derivative Fusionism
1+0; Sucrose Nazism
0+1 Maltose Fusionism
1+1’’ Lactose derivativex2 Fascism
1+1 Lactose Fascism
0+0 Nil Marxism
1+0‘ Sucrose derivative Marxism
0+1′ Maltose derivative Fascism
0+0′ Nil Nazism
1+1”’ Lactose derivativex3 Fusionism
*The Ultimate & Weight loss is Fresh Milk
*The Anti Virus is Herbs.
*The is Anti Toxic is Fresh Wine
*The Anti Cancer is Bird Nest.
b. Drug incl. Enzyme Treatment
There are 6 type of Enzyme Catalyst target 12 organs via Central/Peripheral Nervous System.
And there are 4 type of Enzyme Mechanism Action. i.e. off->slow->normal->fast
e.g. Reaction A+B->4 type of action product
c. Vitamin incl. Hormones Treatment
*13 type of Vitamins prevent from disease.
*There are 13 type of vitamin target 4 type of Hormones.
*Vitamin C Female Hormones. Orange, Pineapple
*Vitamin D, K Aged Hormones. Apple, Banana
*Vitamin B Male Hormones. Durian, Papaya
*Vitamin E, A Youth Hormones. Mango, Grape
d. Disclaimer of Treatment
*Vitamin i.e. Hormones effective for Children or Middle. Prevention. a.k.a New Age Medicine
*Nutrition Supplement i.e. Carbohydrate Herbs, effective for Mainstream. On the Cause. a.k.a Tradition/Chinese Medicine.
*Drug i.e. Enzyme Catalyst effective for Aged or Bordered. After Cause. a.k.a Western Medicine.
Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.