2G. Criminology, Law and Bail

Anti-Chinese: Wife Syndicate老婆集团
Threaten China, advocate Jesus 2nd coming.
Denied 22 Books Canon of Bible, Ban Mass Preaching to Chinese.
Mate 同好vs Friend朋友Don’t avoid money minded friend, but hobby minded friend.
It’s by actively joining affiliation, but not by passively invitation. Holiness grouped friends, while secular separated friends.
Street: Economy Disorder i.e. Poverty (Commercial Law/One-God incl Jehovah Witness, International Contract Act/Family)
*Fraud activities is linked with Communist Syndicate. Fundamental Science, Mathematics
e.g. Identity thief, Bank fraud, Insurance fraud, Commercial fraud; 骗子: Probe
Heaven (Go up)(Idiot Jab/Dead Sentence);Business Rank incl. Foundation Founder, Tycoon/Technology

Anti-Semitic: Joker Syndicate小丑集团
Quarantine intellectual property, denied Jesus 2nd coming.
Denied Victory Theology, Ban Reconciliation of Jew 12 tribes.
Superior上司 vs Fellow同事Don’t building expertise knowledge but professional knowledge.
Career is not a trip of milestone, but a set of missionary challenges. Fundamental affliction is everything on career, don’t work for God, but do God’s works.
Mental Rehab: Social Disorder i.e. Migration (Intelligence Law/Friend, Marriage Act/Lover)
*Anarchy activities is linked with Nazi Syndicate. Ethnic reconciliation, Music
e.g. Erotic Defect, Raping, Instigating, Dishonouring & Mental health, Job Sanction, Road accident; 军人: Fine
Reincarnation (Back-to-Time)(Electric Therapy/Mental Rehab);Academic Rank incl. Bachelor, Genius/Religion

Anti-God: Superman Syndicate超人集团
Red alert the world, advocate Satan coming.
Denied Scientific Theology, Ban Church Planting to world.
Lover情人 vs Rival情敌Don’t seeking true love, but marriage partner.
Love is not a long journey, but a set of mini relationships. Love is a set of trials, need a verification.
Hospital: Civil Disorder i.e. Blackmailing (Civil Law/Lover Rival, Anti Social Act/Public)
*Criminal activities are linked with Fusionism Syndicate; Justice, Religion
e.g. Health Ransom, Prostitution, Drug, Robbery, Injury, Weaponing; 强盗: Death
Hell (Go down)(Sleepy Pill/Hospital);Public Rank incl. Musician, Drama/Politic

Anti-Christ: Beggar Syndicate失业阵线联盟
Refuse the atonement of Jesus but advocate 2nd coming Jesus is Messiah.
Denied Vision Theology, Ban Repentance of Manchu.
Kin家人 vs Cousin表兄弟Don’t join mega church, but family church.
Justified salvation to family, lover then to friend bring risk, while equal salvation to other religion or ethnics bring assurance. Church fellows stand higher place than bloody brother sister.
Jail: Crime Disorder i.e. Abduction (Criminal Law/Enemy, Human Right Act/Trinity-God incl. Jesus inheritor)
*Intelligence activities is linked with Qing Syndicate; Social Harmony, Law
e.g. Firing, Terrorism, Sudden Death, Abduction, Murdering, & X-files; 特务: Quarantine
Dead (Game over)(Quarantine/Jail);Military Rank incl. Engineer, God Father/Economy

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