2A8. Drug Control and Abusing

Some to note of consumer product that potential hiding high content of drug, that could linked with Biomedical or Genetic engineering research, and/or Conspiracy Syndicate to creating social disorder.

To list a few (Large amount of Work required):

  1. Drink intake, e.g. Soft drink, Soya bean Milk
  2. Body fluid intake e.g. Shampoo, Facial Lotion
  3. Air intake e.g. Medicated Oil, Fragrance

Residue of Soya Bean Milk: Deep impact against the kidney electro filtered system.
High Chlorine content Soft drink: The acidity lower down our immunity as well as the hormone system.
Especially Stem cell Shampoo: The membrane target giving extra layer reducing our brain sensitivity.
Gene expressive Facial Lotion: There is high cost to regulate our metabolism at high optimising level.
Plantation soluble in Medicated Oil: It stimulate Nervous system at all time.
Chemical ingredient filled in Fragrance: Poison gas potent biological active, link to chronic disease.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.