2G4. Twenty Network Channel by Bandwidth & Holiness

Cautious: Application of 10 Commandment of Law is prohibited for Christian, provided if you are doing Christian Ministry or Missionary Works.

1. Military Network (NATO)(Rival)(Russia) vs (Germany)(Void Patent, Mental Abduction):
Diagram Inclined, Illustration (Greek) vs (Germans)

2. Political Network (Vatican)(Church)(Italy) vs (Brazil)(Void Service Mark, Raise Standard):
Data Inclined, Standard (Italian) vs (Jude)

3. Genius Network (NASA)(University)(France) vs (Australia)(Void Open sourced, Drug):
Theory Inclined, Scientific (French) vs (Germanics)

4. Bulletin Board (FBI)(Colleague)(China) vs (Japan)(Void Legacy, Terrorism):
Location Inclined, Spontaneous (Dutch) vs (French)

5. Elderly Network (WHO)(Family)(Denmark) vs (United Kingdom)(Steal Legacy, Jail Terrorism):
Timing Inclined, Patience (Greek) vs (Celt)

6. Entrepreneurship Network (Israel)(Hometown)(New Zealand) vs (Malaysia)(Steal Service Mark, Censored):
Letter Inclined, Resolution (Jew) vs (Italian)(Spanish)

7. Marriage Network (UN)(Lovers)(United States) vs (Korea)(Void Copyright, Erotic Defects):
Question Inclined, Promote Identity (Germans) vs (Dutch)

8. Broadcast Network (KMT)(High School)(Taiwan) vs (Macao)(Steal Open sourced, Censored):
Answer Inclined, Missionary (Germanic)(Spanish) vs (Portuguese)

9. News Network (CIA)(Neighbour)(Canada) vs (Singapore)(Steal Patent, Dishonouring):
Vocabulary Inclined, Righteousness (Levi)(Portuguese) vs (Greek)

10. Labour Network (ZION)(Government)(Israel) vs (Hongkong)(Steal Copyright, Mental Abduction):
Essay Inclined, Analogy (Jude) vs (Levi)(Jew)

Jehovah Witness: Military Network (Permission of Terrorism)
Mary Witness: Broadcast Network
Jesus Inheritor: Labour Network (Mis-use of Climate, Nuclear)
Christ Inheritor: Labour Network
Messiah Legacy: Broadcast Network
James Legacy: Military Network
Jesus Inheritor: Entrepreneur Network (Rule out of Epidemic genetic set)

False Christ: Military Network (Terrorism)
Man of Sins: Broadcast Network
Serpent: Labour Network (Climate, Nuclear)
False Prophet: Labour Network
Satan: Broadcast Network
Devil: Military Network
Man of Sin: Entrepreneur Network (Epidemic)

Rule out of Epidemic genetic set
Each ethnic has their timeline whether compact or expanded.
It must find out the ethnic has compact timeline in which represent broad chances of extinct in earth, but has eternal life in heaven. Those has expanded timeline are those slim chances of extinct in earth, but has yet eternal life in heaven.

“Rather teach you how to fish, than rather give you fish! 可教你钓鱼, 但不给你鱼吃!”

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.