2H1. The Four Mode of Micro Economic and Its Impact

1st Step: Ecosystem Economic a.k.a. Federalism (Nationalist/Republican)

  1. Four open state (i.e. four economic cycle)
  2. Short term & Loss business. Consumers driven
  3. Crime syndicate & Holistic engineering product.
  4. Islam Semitic oriented (excl. Agnostic). CIA
  5. Federalism. Commodity vs Consumption (Social Reformation, Social Bonding)
  6. Apple->Niche Website (Sufism Islam, e.g. South East Asia)->e.g. Travelling, Food, Gadget.
  7. Proprietary Technology: Tourism Technology, Astronomy Science NASA
  8. Financial Budget oriented e.g. Consumers; Commodity (Commercial Law infringement)
  9. Macroeconomic, Economic Freeload (i.e. Tax on earth, Interest in heaven, Those Classic, Gift Asset, Car or Intellectual Property, Degree, Visa), a,k.a. Paper Worth (Country).
  10. Marriage Autonomy, Erotic, Underground Crime. Highly Social Reformation.

2nd Step: Universal Economic a.k.a. Communism (Communist)

  1. Three closed state (i.e. three economic status)
  2. Long term & Sustainable business. Workforce driven
  3. Charity Foundation & Improvised Engineering product.
  4. Chinese Semitic oriented (excl. Atheism). KMT
  5. Communism. Interest vs Tax (Social Harmony, Social Security)
  6. Android->A.I. App (Canton Chinese, e.g. China)->e.g. IPTV, E-commerce.
  7. Opensource Consumer Technology: Kitchen Technology, Earth Science WWF
  8. Creating Job oriented e.g. Workforce; Equity (Intelligence Law infringement)
  9. Microeconomic, Economic Payload (i.e. Interest on earth, Tax in heaven, Those Popular, Fluid Asset, Land Property, or Networking, Certificate, MBA), a.k.a. Net Worth (Company).
  10. Marriage Supremacy, Slave, War Crime. Highly Social Harmony.

3rd Step: Pivot Economics a.k.a. Capitalism (Democrat)

  1. Two semi state (i.e. two economic boundary)
  2. Short term & Progressive gain business. Research Laboratory driven
  3. Research Fund & Reverse Engineering Product.
  4. Western Semitic oriented (excl. Lutheran). UN
  5. Capitalism. Rating vs Critique (Social Disorder, High Social Security)
  6. Linux->Amazon Webservice (Jew, e.g. United States)->e.g. Photo Sharing, Cloud Computing.
  7. Opensource Military Technology: Rugged Technology, Ergonomic Science NATO
  8. Investment oriented e.g. Research Lab; Bond (Civil Law infringement)
  9. Personal Economic, Economic upper Payload (i.e. Credit on Earth, Debt in Heaven, Those Ranking, Tax Asset, Business Property or Human Resource, Honour, License), a.k.a. Market Worth (Individual).
  10. Marriage Trial, Servicing, Organised Crime. Highly Social Disorder.

4th Step: Homogeneous Economics a.k.a. Commonwealth (Pan-democrat)

  1. Single state (i.e. no economic boundary)
  2. Short term & Sustainable business. Think Tank Driven
  3. Government Think Tank & Secondary Engineering Product.
  4. Asia Semitic oriented (excl. Orthodox Hinduism). FBI
  5. Commonwealth. Cash vs Overhead (Social Chaos, High Social Bonding)
  6. Windows->Pirate Software (Korean e.g. Korea)->e.g. Movies, Music.
  7. Opensource Biomedical Technology: Health Care Technology, Medicine Science WHO
  8. Saving oriented e.g. Research Lab; Hedge Fund (Criminal Crime infringement)
  9. Organisation Economic lower Freeload (i.e. Debt on Earth, Credit in Heaven, Those Alternative, Gift Asset, Charity Property or Fellowship, Medal, Testimonial), a.k.a. Gross Worth (Organisation).
  10. Marriage Freedom, Labour, Terrorism Crime. Highly Social Chaos.

*When Capitalism and Federalism shift to Communism, Cold War expecting. This is because it is the game of rule out incapability as well as unethical business and technology to reduce deepen of Economic Load. Even though Economic Load is permissible and beneficial to Ecosystem Economic, not Universal Economic. With Universal Economic, Evangelism of Christianity to Chinese will be feasible.

*Since the ever ’64 instance’, a Memorandum, this is why Chinese running most Unethical Downstream Engineering product, Terrorism Funding as well as Underground Crime Syndicate. Apparently, Cold War is where the place of Economic Load is lowest, but World War is vice versa.

*Many thing, but Crime Syndicate Disruption, Evangelism and Reformation Christianity and Religion Conflicts & Unity, are what these all to start with. Further, Disaster Readiness and War preventive measure are the typical key hold, as Economic Transformation is hasted.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
如果我们承认自己的罪孽,神是信实的、公义的,他就会赦免我们的罪孽,洁净我们脱离一切的不义。约翰前书 1:9

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