2H3. Ecosystem Economic

*What is life? Build culture, Build generation, Build civilization, Build environment. It is always revolutionary. This is what ecosystem economic.

*But since these 500 years ago, the civilization hitting the ceiling and stall because of the risen of Middle East power taken over from Western. The ecosystem economic was disrupted. Until recent 40 years, the Middle East war, War against Terrorism, and the Defeat of Communist in cold war. The economic started re-bounce. In addition, continuing is the electronic evolution, the Artificial intelligence encoding into various software and hardware application.

*The problem arise, in which the artificial intelligence as well as electronic evolution brings no civilization but created troublesome. This is the time, we ought to think about abandon artificial intelligence but replace with human resource oriented commercial environment.

*It comes to the end of artificial intelligence. However, toward and heading to religion harmony in terms of software, hardware and firmware evolution in combine nature science and experimental data science. I guess is sort of quantum computing, or cloud computing, which is human oriented and highly reliable. The focus will switch from United States to United Kingdom as bearing the major responsibility of economic ecology.

*Conclusion, the ecosystem economic always stopped by civilization ceiling. That’s full stop.

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