Y823. The Backup Plan to Heaven (Bulletin)

A. Oriental Express Terminal i.e. Star War Resurrection 2nd
From 10G (Judi Calendar, Extremist) to
9G South Polar (New A.D Secret Calendar i.e. Anthopology Calendar) – WHO
Salvation by Faith – Autobot (Computer,Bandwidth, Universe), Jehovah Equiv.
Nuclear Threat i.e. Epidermic (Leprosy DNA, Fatal, Wine Therapy, Tradition Herbs Tonic Medicine), Genocide of Natalie
Rohs to Solve (e.g. Social Bonding, Media) – Renaissance Clone
Rooted Singapore Bank (Crime Threat, Islam Calendar MY)
RUS/Anglo/Repel Lamb (ITA, Queen)->Lamb (Zechariah 7per (topical)->Hosea 5per
Fundamentalist vs Puritan

B. Exodus Route i.e. Marvel Reborn
From 8G (Emmanuel Calendar, Christian) to
10G Beibou (BBC Underground Calendar i.e. Remastered Calendar) – WWF
Salvation by Love – Cyborg (Quantum,Mach, Sky), Jesus Equiv.
Tsunami Threat i.e. Plague (Human Essential Corruption RNA, Acute, Dairy Therapy, Underground Watson Drug Medicine), Genocide of Semitic
Protocol to Solve (e.g. Firewall, Dogma, Insurance, Tither, Duty) – Pure Land Clone
Rooted to Chinese Bank (Guinea Threat, Time Lock Calendar TW)
AUS/Gothic/Sheppard Dog (FRA, King)->Goat (Malachi 4per (soap)->Hosea 5per
Union vs Baptism

C. Revelation Official i.e. Jurassic Park Ressurection 1st
From 9G (Pentecostal Calendar, Believer) to
5G Meteor Rain (Post A.D. Modern Calendar i.e. Legacy Calendar) – UN
Salvation by Hope – Crabmachine (Machine,Meta, Land), Apostle Equiv.
Terrorism Threat i.e. Pandemic (Viral mDNA, Chronic, Physiology Therapy, Western Guardian Supplement Medicine), Genocide of Christian
Halal to Solve (e.g. Food, Leisure) – Paradise Clone
Rooted to Maybank (Terrorism Threat, Pentecostal Calendar INDIA)
US/Raffles/Lost & Found Sheep (GER, Duke)->Sheep (Habakkut 2per (fragrant)->Hosea 5per
Emmanuel vs Pentecostal


Bandwidth: Number of High Flipflop Core
1G-33G Resolution

Mach: Orthogonal Purity Distance
Mach 1, Mach 10.2 Bonding Strength

Meta: Calendar Sets
KK Lingustic, to Arabic etcs.


Oriental Hollwood/Oriental Express Bollywood First World – 复活谷 Pentecostal Calendar, e.g. Halloween Day@Meta Calendar/MNC Industrial Revolution 20%Duty
Adventist Japanese/Pure Land Chinese Fire Lake – 洪门宴 Union Calendar, e.g. Easter Day@Judi Calendar, Advent Calendar/NGO Religion Reformation 33%Duty
Promised Land Malays/Paradise African Third World – 荒岛 Emmanuel Calendar e.g. Christmas Day@Eschatology Calendar, Solar Calendar/SME Culture Renaissance Constant Duty
Utopia Orthodox/Renaissance Charismatic Upside Down World – 圣日 Dogma Calendar, e.g. Passover Day@Earth Calendar/F&B Geography Exploration 0% Duty

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