3C. The Revealed of Great Wall of China 万里长城的启示

i. The Revealed of Great Wall of China

Reunification of China 中国统一
(i.e. Crime Syndicate 犯罪集团 )

ii. New Economic & New Politic

What is the best consensus for Taiwan and China?
For the concern of Evangelism of Christianity, then is ‘One country, Two systems’. If the goal is to Disrupt Qing Syndicate, then ‘Taiwan independence’. When the situation goes into the ‘One country, Two systems’, signifying Stabability on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and qualifying the prerequisite of Advent of Heaven.
To realization of that is to, for Taiwan to become Three Party coalitions, which is the critical step of fully socialism. For China strengthen Politic power on Shanghai is crucial step too.


Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.