4A. Conspiracy Theory 阴谋理论

i. The Fallen of Human Civilisation

*From ancient to present, the historical evolution of mankind cannot be separated from health & illness, rich & poverty, and to three kingdoms wars. Only when our story, the wisdom of history reaches a peak, represents the beginning of the fall of human civilization.

How does history and civilization coexist? Let’s not explain what historical wisdom is and what human civilization is. However, it is only through the development of human civilization that the world will proceed.

Historical wisdom refers to the philosophy; Human civilization refers to love and faith, interactive fellowship and communication. When Human kind possessed the ultimate power of Wisdom, it could cause the order & disorder between people, so as chemical weapons. This is a sign of the fall of human civilization.

The development of human civilization is a comprehensive reforming of politic, mental, health, and education. However, it is a secret to create one peak after another.

I would say, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, still he is always stay with us.



历史智慧指的是处事哲学思想;人类文明指的是爱与信,互动交流沟通。当人类拥有完全的智慧,会造成人与人之间的错乱次序, 或是化学武器。这就是人类文明的坠落征兆。


我会说,是耶稣基督的再来, 而却是一直与我们同在的。

@ 2020, Croyalflush Ministry, All right reserved.

ii. Social Disorder

Before hands, we must to know what is Anti Semitic?

Symptoms of Anti-Semitic

  1. Social disorder
  2. Terrorism
  3. Erotic Defect
  4. Labour oriented technology
  5. Commodity driven economic
  6. World war e.g. ethnic massacre
  7. Religion conflicts
  8. Mental or Physical health conspiracy
  9. Political power
  10. Christianity unity

*Those Jew 12 sects role as top performer, as great power comes great responsibility, although it is spiritually not physically. But this causing discrimination of ethnic, called Anti-Semitic, or Renaissance. Racialism against Anti-Semitic as well as against Social Disorder. It is the rhetoric of ‘Ethnic Supremacy’ and ‘Discrimination’ is maneuvered.

*Social Disorder often linked with erotic defect issue as well as 3 type of marriage law, mental health conspiracy.
It is originated by Nazi Syndicate. To reduce social disorder is by increase Civilisation Standard both in Western Country and Eastern Country, Religion Unity, Reformation of Church, Reconciliation of Jews, High Level Marriage Law, International Human Right Committee, and Political Labour Union.

*In large scale, social disorder is terrorism as well as raping, whereby population density is forced to disperse i.e. Migration crisis or Jobless crisis, in which good qualified person is treated unfair in local community and has to make a switch to another city. It can extend to quarantine, mental treatment or big scale migration.

*The major reason underlying is terrorism and major problem is to create Climate disaster by dispersing human and human fellowship as well as friend’s communion.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.