4B. World Threats

i. Tsunami Threats
(Occurance:5-star, Destruction Rating:1-star)

a. Paris Climate Agreement related to End of the world (Nazism) (Europe)
*Under no artificial human interference, can the earth sustain unlimited year of human civilization? The answer has to refer back to Paris Climate Agreement.

*Yes, until United States withdraw from this agreement on 2017. There is crude oil exhaustion brewing. End of the world Timeline remain guess work but it is approaching near. The Alien conspiracy made Tsunami & Earthquake is target at High Social Order Country, meant to destroy human expectation on religion. The affection country is high density city named a few as China city including Shanghai as well as Himalaya including Thailand.

b. Accident Conspiracy
The type of accident includes 4.

  1. Road accident: Human error, Highest case in South East Asia.
  2. Railway accident: Machine error, Highest case in India.
  3. Sea accident: Human error, Highest case in Middle east.
  4. Air crash: Machine error, Highest case in European country.

The highest case means highest rate. The destruction comes from government crime syndicate manoeuvre.

c. Migration Crisis
*Migration to more developed country is a norm issue in information era. It is related to erotic reason. The issue created including the below.

  1. Humanity issue: Ethnic Supremacy i.e. Africans
  2. Job issue: The Discrimination Effect i.e. Social Disorder as well as Anti Semitic. Jew 12 sects
  3. Erotic issue: Marriage Protection Law i.e. China

ii. Virus Threats
(Occurrence:4-star, Destruction Rating:2-star)

d. Virus Epidemic
*It is known that virus can be man-made. There isn’t has man-made water borne virus and the cure of the water borne virus is rare. The air borne virus damage Hormones (Metabolism) system, and water borne virus damage Lymph (Immune) system. Hormones damage is a fatal. And also, the lapse of vaccine for both type of virus is an unsecured danger.

e. World Economic Transformation (Poverty)
*Any Poverty economic is depend on the below 3 types of economic model due on Famine & Drought brewing.

  1. Investment Driven Economic/Knowledge Economic
  2. International Business Model i.e. Mark-up Pricing
  3. Wholesale Business/Specialised Trading

iii. Terrorism Threats

(Occurrence: 3-star, Destruction Rating: 3-star)

f. Terrorism (Fascism) (South East Asia & Middle East)

  1. The ideology comes at merging of Islam and Orthodox Christianity.
  2. ISIS linked i.e. Firing & Missile arm force, target (Lutheran church country)
  3. Taliban linked i.e. Accident & Bullet assassination, target (Charismatic church country)
  4. Al-Qaeda linked i.e. Bombing & Grenade destruction, target (Atheist religion country)

iv. Nuclear Threats
(Occurance:1-star, Destruction Rating: 5-star)

g. Denuclearisation of Korea Peninsular (Fusionism) (Japan)

  1. Require fundamentally support from China & Japan reason for Industrial Revolution which rely on Knowledge economic Protection such as Advancing Telecommunication Satellite Network.
  2. A Closure to End Korea Peninsular Cold war by minimised Military threat such as drilling.
  3. Consensus of a Bilateral Economic Trade, Humanity Aid as well as Abolish Economic Sanction.
  4. Work on agenda of workable time line to critically remove nuclear infrastructure as well as weapon techniques.
  5. If and only denuclearisation success, the world can upgrade to Advanced Civilisation e.g. Alternative Energy.

h. World War
*There could be another world war III, which won’t be repeated the World War I, and World War II. The triggering point could be in Asia Pacific, called it Pacific war.

i. Crime
*Mortal Crime could be money reason such as insurance linked crime but most of the cases, that is not the major intention, more appropriate due on war crime as well as religion conspiracy. Main idea is to protection of key sensitive secret as well as protection of key person.

*Those high destruction crimes are listed down.
Murdering Mod by Kidnap Abduction, Man-made Suicide as well as X-files
Reducing Suspicious by Insurance linked Crime such as Property Firing, Health Ransom, Accident, Car Bomb

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