4Q. Disruption of Nazi Germany

i. Derivative of Nazi Syndicate

The root cause is Anti Semitic, the resolution has to point to Europe or German. The Nazi Syndicate Headquarter best bet is in Germany. In addition, it could transform or embedded into 3 types of Political hierarchy structure, called Nazi derivative, e.g. Neo Nazi, Fasci Japan, and Communist. Note that the Nazi Germany Hideout is where the Qing Syndicate hideout. On the other side, the Terrorism Syndicate incl. 3 branches and are embedded and corresponding into Nazi Derivatives.

Plan A. Intelligence Law – Corruption (Nuclear) ->Livinghood民生->Hope
Nazi Germany
If Nazi no hideout.
Fund Method i.e. Terrorism Syndicate
Wage System (Task Oriented), Terrorism

Plan B. Commercial Law – Bribery (Virus) ->Human Right民权->Love
Fasci Japan derivative
If Fasci Japan chosen as Nazi hideout. *tentative
Syndicate Company Method i.e. Enterprise Syndicate
Reward & Penalty System (Process Oriented), Conspiracy

Plan C. Criminal Law – False Witness (Tsunami) ->Democracy民主->Faith
Neo Nazi derivative
If Neo Nazi chosen as Nazi hideout.
Syndicate Method i.e. Crime
Reward System (Goal Oriented), Crime

Plan D. Civil Law – Instigating (Terrorism) ->Ethnicity民族->Righteousness
Communist derivative
If Communist chosen as Nazi hideout.
Pot Method i.e. War Syndicate
Profit System (Result Oriented), War

*Love is biggest, then Faith, Righteousness then Hope.
*Nazi hideout is Qing Syndicate hideout.

*For Plan B,C,D, non conspiracy crime, disrupting the Nazi derivative is no necessary.
*For conspiracy crime, Plan A, it is important to disrupt and eliminate the Nazi Headquarter.
*For Plan B,C,D, non conspiracy crime, dismissal of key person of Nazi Derivative when emergency, it is permitted only if qualified with sufficient social security.

ii. Dismissal of Key person

Marxism – Secretary 秘书, Adviser, Spy相, 情报员, terrorism/murdering, virus曙光
牧羊人, 策划 (person)
Input – Collect information->code
IQ (modem & processor)
Mission; Hierarchy Organization

Nazism – Lawmaker立法者, Head, Diplomacy将, 外交, murdering/raping, disaster古來氏
牧羊, 执行 (thing)
Output – Commanding data->word
AQ (firmware & display)
Weapon; Administration Office

Fusionism – Monitor 检察官, Commander, Cabinet, 车, 内阁, injuring, nuclear
牧羊犬,担保 (time)
Storage – Interpret code->data
EQ (hard disk & memory)
Communication Network; Ministry Company

Fascism – Mastermind主谋, Guard, Dictator士, 独裁, raping/terrorism, terrorism無花果
领头羊,指挥 (place)
Process – Predicting word->solution
CQ (software & application)
Recruiting Soldier; Charity Fund

iii. The Traits of Key person

The mastermind of any organization whether charity or underground must fit into this bill.

a. ‘Will’ deliver to his/her inheritance
b. False action by his/her members deny the identity
c. His/her members rely on him/her
d. There is no number 2nd person as leader in most cases.
e. The leader is most righteous.
f. He/she fully understand in any macroscopic view.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.