4P. Economic War

(Economic War, 9 per or 6 per)(The actual Ranking of leader weighted on their Personal Marriage Profile, then Personal Mindset, Background, Endeavour and Milestones). 3 combination mode, #6,#1,#4,#3,#2,#5 (Islam Semitic), #4,#1,#6,#5,#2,#3 (Western Semitic), #3,#2,#5,#6,#1,#4 (Chinese Semitic), in which their position has determined their rank but does not rule out.

Underground Crime (dark)(with Karate); Government Crime (bright)(with Gun)

  1. Capitalism (Individual); UN; Pentecostal
    Slave & Servicing inclined Business; Marriage Supremacy
    (宋家皇朝, South America)(洪门); Nazi Germany (United States)(Ku Klux Klan)(ISIS): Custom (operation), Hospital (committee)
  2. Universal Economic GDP oriented (Region); NATO; Catholic
    Non Slave, Non Servicing business
    (满清组织, Singapore)(清帮); Russian Bratva Mafia a.k.a. Communist (Russia): Custom (committee)
  3. Communism (Countries); WWF; Catholic
    Non Slave, Servicing inclined Business
    (密谋基地, Hongkong)(小刀会); Italian Mafia a.k.a. Communist (China): Bank (committee)
  4. Federalism (States); KMT; Presbyterian
    Slave inclined, Non Servicing Business
    (Loanshark Gangster 大耳窿, Malaysia); 新宋家皇朝 (Taiwan)(洪门)(Taliban): Bank (operation)
  5. Ecosystem Economic Gini oriented (Individual); NASA; Presbyterian
    Non Slave, Non Servicing Business
    (Bund Mafia上海滩, Korea); Ku Klux Klan a.k.a. Neo Nazi (Australia): Casino (committee)
  6. Commonwealth (Region); WHO; Methodist
    Slave inclined, Servicing inclined Business; Marriage Autonomy
    (清廷政权, Japan)(澳门黑帮); Fasci Japan (United Kingdom)(East India Company)(Al-Qaeda): Casino (operation), Hospital (operation)

The Canyon Road
*Technology war is the contest of Technology in terms of Medicine e.g. Vaccines, Frontier Technology e.g. Mars Exploration, Telecommunication i.e. Robotic. However, Cold war a.k.a. economic war is rule out of crime syndicate key person, it is called ‘Canyon Road’, at the same time the False Technology Ethic i.e. Road Map can be reformed.

*Mathematically, there are 6 Economic Body, in which on sequence Malaysia, China and United States, are excluded from Quarantine, i.e. Those are in cooperate in Brexit, British Exit European, i.e. New Economic Model. Rule out 3 out of 6, excluded from Quarantine. There are many things related to this Old Ecosystem Economic and New Universal Economic, e.g. Marriage, Job, Health, etc. The criterion based on the sincerity and fulfilment the person do what his claimed.

“Which of the two did what his father wanted?” Matthew 21:31
“这两个儿子中,哪一个遵行父亲的意愿呢?” 马太福音 21:31

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