4Z10. The seeking of Oriental 3 keys.

It had to be in United, All three or four which are Law within Love, Love within Truth, and Truth within Hope. The greatest is Hope.

Holy Spirit from Grace, Holy Spirit from Gift and Holy Spirit from Burden. Episcopal talk about Grace, Fundamentalist talk about Gift, and Pentecostal talk about Burden. Catholic talk about Spiritual Body. Without Burden, i.e. Freedom, all vain.

There is obstacle to Spiritual Body, due to the Marriage Defects. And Genetic expression. The Genetic expression depend on Human Evolution along with the Universe Linear Expansion. The Superman.

That is from Social Circle Bonding Scale. Analogy to Harddisk Defragment. Or simply the plain geographical area.
That is promised Land. The End Time era.

Many combinations, it could be World War combination to Advanced Civilisation. West and East. The Montage depend on Church Revolution. Its about Doctrine and Theology.

The Astronomy, Social Science, Ethnic, Genetic Histogram, Mathematics, Quantum Computation. The are no more than 9 Graded Theology. Its analogy to the Solar system. Its more toward Computer Science, called Algorithm.

Spiritual Body is Longitudinal Wave, the Sound the Matter. The Radiant is Quantum property. Promised Land is not the final destination. The direction is Oriental, from Physical Body to Spiritual Body. Pro Photon Histogram i.e. Geometric to Pro Quantum States i.e. Material Property. That what we can expect in the major progression from Promised Land to Oriental.

The route of time line is series to parallel. Many Oriental in contested. The Contest of Ultimate Theology and the Ultimate Ethnic. That must be aligned to Religion Election People. e.g. Islam Egyptian, Christianity Chinese and Common Semitics. That is called 2nd resurrection and 2nd Judgement. Destined but non specific. Christ-mas. And Anti Christ.

Its not good to get Theology Insight, as this is considered Cheating. No cheating to Baptism. Its not open door. How skillful of your theology. The key is the Marriage Law and Family Salvation. That is past generation and future generation. The seeking of the Supernova as top hierarchy. It is the search algorithm. Called Calvinism Theology. The undelete algorithm is the Christology Theology. In which Revert the pre-justice by Marriage Defects cause by next generation. The genetic expression.

All of the theology is about quality control methodology. e.g. Six Sigma. Nothing to learn, but avoid. Choose as many as you can, no gift. From Climate it may be revealed. It ought to Revolution of Theology to match the regenerated Holy Spirit and renewable Spiritual Body. It form the Basis of the Oriental where we heading to. Which is Marriage (for girl) and Family (for man). Make sure facing upward, not downward.

Family salvation is the very critical topics. Not using Theology method, but Power of Holy Spirit. Theology method should be remained as VIP, no leaked. But Christian Education. must be as Public and copyrighted. a.k.a. Agnostic Education, this is an open door to eternal life.

Holy Spirit is language instead of science. We have to start as early as Kindergarten. That’s the different of Science and Mathematics. So teaching Mathematics is as difficult as teaching Music. That is the limitation of Power of Holy Spirit, comes from the Informatics. It has to be cleanses by Fire and Lake.

The Righteousness, Forgiveness, Perseverance, Holiness play critical role as Blind Love, Blind Faith, and Blind Hope.
Blind is the scale, Wisdom is the blessing. Give and Take. It doesn’t work either way cheating.

Be careful of the derivative of Holy Spirit. Its not bear fruits, if no burden. Burden of Holy Spirit limited by Marriage Law and Family Salvation. Comes as Marriage Burden and Family Burden. Heal the past and shape the future.
In Own Family Context. This is Imperialism. And that is the perfect answer to Burden of Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Satan, Serpent or Devil.

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