4Z12. Two Time Line of Oriental

Economy/God will (Agape Love)->Nationalism (Islam, Agnostic Islam, Presbyterian) or Republican (Buddhism, Fundamentalist, Catholic)->Continental (Difficult)

God will/Economy (Marriage Love)->Royalism (Christianity, Alpha-Omega) or Monarchy (Hinduism, Partial-theism)->Oriental Pearl (Challenge)

Grace of God (Family Love)->Imperialism (Christianity, Mafia Syndicate) or Vatican (Hinduism, Conspiracy Syndicate)->Great Eastern (Normal)

Population (Plato Love)->Democracy (Islam, Atheism, Terrorism Syndicate) or Communism (Buddhism, Multi-theism, War Syndicate)->Oriental (Easy)

Rule of Game:

There 4 category, in which rely on 4 different power, e.g. Economy power, God will power, Population power, and Grace of God power.

First thing first, each group objective is to beat off all the rest of 7 groups to gain victory. or Allied.

To start with Population power, it has two division Democracy and Communism, in which Democracy is to protect the Dragon, the Idolatry Model leader as whole objective to victory. But Communism objective is to against the idol.

2nd, God will power, to continued with Royalism main objective is to development of God will from the Theology Research supplementary with Islam God will, at the same time, protect the Alpha and Omega, the Jesus inheritor and Christ inheritor. The Monarchy is to time searching the Joshua a.k.a. Messiah, the leader of Mass Preaching, at the same time development the alternative of God will from the Theology Research.

3rd, Economy power, the Nationalism main objective is to Reinvent of Economy Science Foundation from Politic, Ethnic, Music, etc. Social Science, combine with Scientific Theology to gain victory in Economy Booming ultimately. The Republican is to against this by Inventing the Rocket Science Pillar to gain Economy Booming.

4th, Grace of God power, the Imperialism objective is to get judgement & justice. The Vatican is to oppose Imperialism objective, by Holy Spirit Research.

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1

“不要评断人,免得你们被评断。马太福音 7:1

List of Group of Organization:

  1. Nationalism KMT, Taiwan, Germany (Nuclear)(Monitor)
  2. Republican NASA, China, Australia (Virus)(Secretary)
  3. Royalism WWF, New Zealand, Singapore
  4. Monarchy WHO, United Kingdom, Malaysia
  5. Imperialism NATO, Russia, France
  6. Vatican CIA, Hongkong, Italy (Tsunami)(Mastermind)
  7. Democracy UN, United States, Korea (Terrorism)(Fund)
  8. Communism FBI, Vietnam, Israel

Group A. (Agnostic)(Industrial Revolution)
Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia (Earth Village, Clock wise)
Group B. (Pentecostal)(Christianity Reformation)
France, Hongkong, Korea, United States, Vietnam (Hell, Anti Clockwise)

Group A. (Fundamentalist)(Economy Booming)
Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, United Kingdom (Promised Land, Jumping Time)
Group B. (Catholic)(Renaissance)
Russia, Italy, Israel (Heaven, Time Still)

*The Scale depend on the maximum bandwidth in the heaven.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.