C16. The Pentecostal 3rd Wave 五旬第三波

911 Rootcause has all the solutions. Its duality of World War and Cold War. To win over this, the public just need to be stay rich. No Catch. Give out time, give in money.

As long as maintain high economy culture, we will be saved. This is however no easy. To many of us, to earn 1 million USD just accumulated 10 years more or less. There is something Economist don’t want to let you know. Property has to be integrated.

The key is to secure the derivative you secure your wealth.
This is case by case.

For Labour, the derivative is their Overtime. For Businessman, the derivative is their marketing. For Middle Class, the derivative is their Credit Card. This is for Capitalism Economy.

In Federalism Economy, the Wealth is hold by continuity. The continuity is meant the Political Stability of the Country.
This translate to Political Corruption. It is however, each country has their own liberality in Politics. Its depend on Geography and Ethnic.

However, those Country join the Climate Change Treaty has to be in sync. For individual, high activities of Marketing, Overtime or Credit Card is demanding. This is however beneficial to the Marketing Merchant, Employer and Bank.
Black or White apparently no argue required. This era is Criminal Era.Its because Christianity Corrupting still. On top of that, Islam join their System in.

The Economy is suppose to fight the evil. In Religion wise, we should boost the Mass Media Education. Control Advanced Theory to Islam; Control Holiness to Christian. This will reform and aligned each country religion, such that no cults.

For too much Holiness to Christian is Mental Illness. For too much Advanced Theory to Islam is Meditation.
The International Mass Media has to pick up this.

This is proportion to the Premium ethnic and High Puritan of Holy Spirit. Pentecostal failed this, because most Member works for Industrial and stay in Urban. Holy Spirit depend on Geographical Terrain.

Christianity Reformation is to stop Pentecostal open as Mega Church. This is called the Post-Cold War Treaty.
a.k.a. The rootcause of 911 Pentagon and Covid-19 Pandemic. and the Big chained of Digital Economy Conspiracy i.e. New World Order Conspiracy. All these by International Contract Acts.

Who am I, you want to know?
I am finding those victims of committed International Contract acts. No thanks. Next phase.

If the Post-Cold War Treaty offending, move on to next phase. The High Tech Mafia has to answer the Failure of Mass Preaching and Church Planting. Failure of Church belong to Chain of Digital Economy Conspiracy i.e. New World Order.
Anti Semitic, and Upside Down World, by Trade War or Trade Deficit from West to East.

The resolution is to sign up the World War III Treaty. Limit Transaction High Credential Individual or Bankruptcy of most West Federal Bank. The abandon Gang of East Germany and West Germany.

This is highly sensitive conclusion, that the Australia and United States is the Culprit of 21st Century, the Pentecostal 3rd Wave.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.