4Z2. Heaven Decryption Part II,III,IV,V,VI,VII

Caution: The content included here contain highly misleading literature from Book of Revelation, that required supervision controlled. Read only if you are spiritual maturity enough accept the risk of being mind poisoned.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Exodus 20:8

Part II. (The Timeline Decryption)

  • A.D. 1000s, Satan was captured and sent to assumed hell.
  • A.D. 2000s, Satan released and Repented, but continued Tempting.
  • A.D. 2000s, Devil and His Gangs were captured, send to hell.
  • A.D. 3000s. First Batch of Champion of Galaxy who has their name in ‘the book of life’ join the assumed heaven, ‘The 1st resurrection’.
  • A.D. 4000s. The rest who doesn’t has their name in the ‘book of life’ will join to the real heaven, ‘The 2nd resurrection’, it is believed following the True Jesus advent.

1st Beginning – Father God: Creator, World (The Draft version), Service Mark,
Fundamental (Old Testament Combinative)

  • Christian Science, CQ,IQ
    Eden Garden & Earth
    1 world contains, more than 36 and less than 45 civilisation. 36 to 45 Bible version. (The Draft version)

2nd Further – James: Created, Literature (The Improvised version), Copyright,
Foundation (Prophet incl. Islam)

  • Christian Music, AQ,CQ
    Bible & Quran
    Find out whichever Galaxy out of unlimited galaxy that contain the solar system, i.e. the son of God Jesus i.e. Tsunami. Hence 1 galaxy contain 9 out of 36 and/or less than 45 combinative civilisation.
    Rule out 1 Ultimate Quran version, which best describing the son of God. (The Improvised version)

3rd Subsequence – Mother Mary: Creating, Universe (The Beautified version), Trademark,
Legacy (Epistle incl. Paul)

  • Christian Law, EQ,AQ
    Moon & Star
    Choose 7 set of remote solar system out of numbers of solar system and galaxy, that contain also black hole, Messiah i.e. Nuclear Bomb. Yield 7 Quran Annex Canon of Bible. (The Beautified version)

4th Foresee – Jesus: Creation, Machine (The Authentic version), Patent,
Pillar (Four Gospel incl. Canon)

  • Christian Arts, AQ,CQ
    Computer & Car
    Rule out the Champion solar system and Champion Canon of Bible. (The Authentic version)

5th Final – Messiah: Creature, Heaven (The Ugly version), Open Source,
Platform (Revelation incl. Every Numbers)

  • Christian Mathematics, IQ,EQ
    Promised Land & Sky City
    Reorder the Champion of Galaxy, reorder the Champion of Canon of Bible. All mankind and living creature that has eternal life can live in heaven, and expected form. (The Ugly version)
  • Jesus inheritor is not and not holding True Jesus identity.
  • Jesus existed in every solar system but different form, so are we.
  • Each galaxy with black hole has all their names written in the book of life, and non repeating.
  • Other galaxy without black hole, doesn’t has their names written in the book of life but has the grace of ‘The 2nd Resurrection’.

1st Coming (Documentary)
True Jesus (A.D. 1s)

2nd Coming (Fictional)
NATO (Qing Syndicate, Asean) vs FBI (Communist, China)
Joshua vs James (Brother of True Jesus) (A.D. 1000s)

3rd Coming (Schism)
CIA (Federalism,Islam) vs UN (Capitalism,Commonwealth,Christianity) vs KMT (Communism,Buddhism)
James vs Nazareth vs Messiah (A.D. 2000s)

20 Combination
CIA,UN, & KMT Group

3rd Coming (False Christ)
NASA (Western or Asia)
James is Nazi Germany

Final Coming (Projection)
WWF, (Climate Change, Paris) vs WHO, (Global Warming, Copenhagen)
Santa Claus (A.D. 3000s) vs Christ (A.D. 4000s)

Errata 19Oct2020, 28Nov2020, 11/14/21Dec2020, 9Jan2021

Part III. (The Religion Decryption)

Buddhism has wide civilisation and coverage, the hub of all philosophy.

Christianity is a platform in which for example the buddhism i.e Philosophy hub could be index, that has 4 view.
Christianity is the Fundamental, without platform, buddhism or philosophy alone without salvation.

Jesus is man and God. King of man. Matthew Gospel. Fundamentalist (Scientific).
Jesus is man. James. Mark Gospel. Episcopal (Impression).
Jesus not man and not God. Luke Gospel. Islam son of God Christ. Pentecostal (Meditating).
Jesus is son of God. Messiah. John Gospel. Catholic (Canon).

Pentecostal i.e. Lutheran is wicked. Protect Gospel Leak and bias to Islam.
Islam has their Rival of Jesus. Christ.

Alpha Nazareth would be the Son of God of Lutheran and Islam.

The official batch to heaven, incl. Pentecostal Church and Episcopal Church.
With Islam Platform. KMT
Advent of Heaven, awakening
Cold War. Crime Syndicate Disruption. Terrorism
e.g. ‘The Fly’, Tsunami (teleport) to A.D. 3000s.

Omega Messiah would be the Son or Daughter of God of Christianity and all Religion.

The certified batch to heaven, incl. Fundamentalist Church and Catholic Church
Wih Christianity Platform. UN
Resurrection, normal death
World War III. Economics transformation. Virus
e.g. ‘Back to the Future’, Nuclear (fast forward) to A.D. 4000s.

Errata 28Oct2020, 28Nov2020, 11Dec2020

Part IV. (The Economy Decryption)

这是中世纪后Post Middle Age的文明。我们有安徒生,天方夜谭,红楼梦。不知不觉,白金汉宫文明已经来到了黄昏。

有药剂,兴奋剂,麻醉剂,维他命,疫苗,西医。有神学,钢琴,小提琴,圣乐。有涡轮发动机,火车,汽车,飞机,火箭,航天。有灯泡,留声机,相机,电脑,电话,卫星,稀土。人权党,民主党,工人党,政治学。牧羊人侦探学,心理健康教育,犹太主义经济学与创业学,管理学等。称为-后白金汉宫文明Post Buckingham Civilisation。



还有,与木马人Trojan的核武种族战争,与邪灵Evil spirit的气候经济冷战,与外星人E.T 病毒科技大战。

随后是宗教以色列策略 Israel Diplomacy,气候变化防备计划 Climate Change Escape Plan,朝鲜半岛去核武化 Denuclearisation of Korea Peninsular,阴谋犯罪捣破 Conspiracy Crime Disruption,恐怖主义捣破 Terrorism Disruption。

Global Issue incl. White Supremacy & Anti-Semitic, Marriage Supremacy & Feminism, Auto-driving & Bullet Train, Digital Currency & Medicine Closed-source.

Economic Science incl. as below

Food: Five loaves and Two Fish make taste and hunger leverage.

Clothes: One size fit all, standardized Clothes promote E-Commerce and Internationalisation.

Household: Population census and Advanced Telecommunication.

Transport: Anti Noise Cancellation, Anti Pollutant, Enhanced Airbag, Emergency Escape.

Health: Closed-source Medicine demote Vaccine Platform, and Promote High Qualification Doctor.

Threat: Family oriented, build Architectural World City Icon. Migration crisis attract Pandemic, Poverty and Erotic derivative issues.

Entertainment: Virtual Reality VR Autobot, Augmented Reality AR Robotic, Artificial Intelligence AI Robot, sky is the limit.

@ Copyright, Croyalflush Ministry, All Rights Reserved, 2021

Part V. (The Judgement Decryption)

Little Faith, Agnostic, Islam, Fundamentalist (Science), Jesus (Alpha), Son, Why, Basement
(Serpent, Burgerking)(Man of Sins, Subway)(Android, A.R., CQ)
(Capitalism, Economy Premises Country)(Promised Land)(Genetic Science, 火山, Nationalist)(Train ‘A’)
(Australia, Taiwan, Macao, Japan)(Middle East)(Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia)
ZION (Moses Code)(High CQ)(Informative Processing)
CQ Mainstream: Capitalism, Attractive People,
Ministry Oriented. By Flesh alone. Science. For Man & Women (CQ).
Numbers: 16.66% Semitic, Islam, Fundamentalist
Thread, Law ->10 Index->Benchmark Hierarchy Height (Environment)->Promised Land i.e. Paradise
(Environment) 10 Index of Stability, (Limit by Heavy Weapon)
(Pre-Judgement, Penalty)

Glorified & Marty, Christianity, Episcopal (Theology), Messiah, James, Children, Who, Center of Gravity
(Satan, Kentucky)(False Prophet, A&W)(Java, IoT, AQ)
(Oriental, Developed Country)(Heaven) (Quantum Science, 嫦娥, Monarchy)(Oriental Express Train)
(United Kingdom, Russia, Europe, Israel)(Singapore, North Korea)
NATO (Light Code)(High EQ)(Quantum Processing)
Core, Truth ->9 Algorithm->Bandwidth Vector (Spirit)->The Oriental i.e. Heaven
Sophisticated (Spirit) 2 Indicator of Spirit, a. Economy Loading, b. Audience Accuracy & Trials (Incentive or Tax)

Blind Faith, Multi-theism, Buddhism, Catholic (Law), Mary, Mother, Where, Mirror of Center of Gravity
(Devil, McDonald)(False Christ, Pizzahut)(Windows V.R., EQ)
(Third World, Infrastructure Country), (Upside Down World)(Digital Economy, 大白兔, Democracy)(Pirate Bay)
(Hongkong, South East Asia)(Italy, Spain, Portuguese)
UN (Hexagram Code)(High IQ)(Spatial Processing)
EQ Premium: Reborn, Considered People.
Charity Oriented. By Spiritual and Flesh. Arts. For Man, incl. Mainstream.
Numbers: 33.33% Egyptian, Buddhism, Episcopal
Count, Love ->2 Mode->Parametric Surface Warpage (Social)->Earth Village i.e. Back to Future
(Social) 2 Mode BackStage/On Air (Pro-Judgement, Credit Rating)

Atheism, Hinduism, Pentecostal (Mathematics), Jehovah, Father, When, Mirror of Top
(E.T.)(Linux, Cloud, AQ)
(United States)(South America, Africa, India, Korea)(Third World)
Monotheism, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox (Engineering), Christ (Omega), Brother, What, Top of the Pyramid
(Transformer)(Apple A.I., IQ)
(China, East Europe, Egypt)(Oriental)
IQ Sand Box: Democracy, Understood by Nobody.
Serving oriented. By Spiritual alone. Music. For Women, incl Premium and Mainstream.
Numbers: 50% Himalayan, Hinduism, Pentecostal
Loop, Righteous ->3 Standard of Deviation of Tolerance->Assurance % e.g. Six Sigma (Craft)->Upside down World i.e. Hell
(Craft) 3 Batch Manual/Hybrid/Automatic
(Post-Judgement, Mercy)

Great Eastern: Monarchy, Buddhism, Righteous, Episcopal: Singapore, United Kingdom, China, Russia
Oriental Pearl: Democracy, Hinduism, Truth, Pentecostal: Hongkong, United States, Korea, Poland
Continental: Capitalism, Islam, Law, Fundamentalist Taiwan, Australia, Japan, Belarus

Errata 7/8/9/16/24/26Jul, 2/7Aug2021

Part VI. (The Bible Decryption)

Moses Law (Spiritual Miracle Research)
(The born of Israel)(1 loop 5000 years) 以色列的诞生之伊甸园
1 Man Split 1 Women (1 Land Split 1 Land)

Minor Prophets (Ethnic Research)
Moses Law variants
9 Ethnic (9 Regime)

Gospel Science (Science Research)
(Journey to the West)(1 loop 500 years) 西游记之应许之地
Chaos Theory->Economics Science->Religion Unity
Feedback Control->Computer Science->Church Reformation
Quantum Mechanics->Material Science->Industrial Revolution
Genetic Matrix Computation->Biological Science->Cultural Renaissance
4 Era (4 Majesty)

Apostle Letters (Theology Research)
Gospel Science variants
9 Kingdom (9 Theology)

Revelation (Holy Spirit Research)
(Final Destination)(1 loop 5 years) 东游记之东方之珠
5 Church (5 Land)

Continental – (Dragon)(4 Creatures)(333 Place)-(2 Religion)
Oriental Pearl – (Antichrist)(999 Place)(7 Dream Godness)-(9 Ethnic)
New Babylon – (Beast)(7 Whistle)(24 Angel Guardian)-(4 Era)
Great Eastern – (False Prophet)(666 Place)(7 Disaster)-(9 Church)
New Jerusalem – (Serpent a.k.a. Man of sins)(12 type of fruits)(10 Kings)-(5 Land)

Part VII. (The Ultimate Decryption of Heaven)

United States King James version: James->Advocate Accomplishment of Law (Guided of Endeavour, Consecutive)(Imperialism)(Future Sin)
Germany, Step 2a. Earth Village, Free loops->1000 years
Salvation African, (India, America)
Fascism: Pentecostal i.e. Lutheran (Pseudo Science) vs Transformer (Social Science)
Goal: Validation of Four Gospel->Christian Education
Game over: Adultery induce (Terrorism). (False Prophet)(Hongkong)(Israel)(Mafia Fund I)
Reward: Vatican (Italy)

United Kingdom: English Standard version: Messiah->Advocate Demonstration of Law (Credit of Love, Properties)(Popularism)(Past Sin)
Russia, Step 1. Heaven, Free loops->5000 years
Salvation Atheist (Thai, Asia)
Nazism: Episcopal (Information Management) vs Grey (Applied Physics)
Goal: Demonstration of Legacy of Four Gospel->Hymn Preaching
Game over: Cult induce Tsunami and Nuclear. (Beast)(Hongkong)(Israel)(Jail Terrorism Guardian)
Reward: Buckingham Palace (United Kingdom)

Taiwan: Chinese Union version: Jesus->Advocate Constitution of Law (Category of Law, Hierarchy)(Nationalism)(Original Sin)
Israel, Step 2b. Promised Land, Free loops->500 years
Salvation Egyptian (Germanic, Germans)
Marxism: Eastern Orthodox i.e. Fundamentalist Presbyterian (Politic Science) vs E.T. (Rocket Science)
Goal: Implementation Moses 10 Law Commandment in Politics->Economy Science
Game over: Poverty induce Tsunami then Nuclear. (Dragon)(Germany)(Russia)(Pentecostal Fund)
Reward: Military Alliance (Russia)

China: Chinese Standard version: Christ->Advocate Application of Law (Omni of Truth, Free)(Chauvinism)(Present Sin)
Hongkong, Step 3. Oriental, Free loops->40 years
Salvation Chinese (Diaspora, Main City)
Fusionism: Catholic i.e. Fundamentalist Methodist (Crime Network Channel) vs Predator (Earth Science)
Goal: Application of 10 Law Commandment in Theology->Crime Disruption
Games over: Random Judgement induce Ethnic Genocide Epidemic. (False Christ)(Germany)(Russia)(Mafia Fund II)
Reward: White house (United States)

All Four Steps must automated then sorted to form an individual Alpha-Omega Time Line.
Those time line are then merged into A to Z Time Line.

1. Capitalism; UN; Devil; Property Insurance; Life Insurance; News (Holding Opensource Technolog If Advanced Civilisation, there is Tsunami threat.
Newsletter: Fox, Telegraph, RT, Sinchew, Zaobao, CNA, Shine
Mustn’t Instant, Mustn’t Hub. Prevent fake news i.e. RSS; Prevent Manipulate prediction i.e. Archived.

2. GDP orientated; NATO; False Christ; Car Insurance; Communication (Terrorism activities)
If Crime Syndicate Disruption, there is Terrorism threat.
Message Hub: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Wechat, QQ, Telegram, Line, Weibo
Must Instant, Must Hub. Prevent secretive i.e. Typing status; Prevent Censorship i.e. History.

3. Communism; WWF; Satan; Social Insurance; Entertainment (Erotic Defect)
If Economic Transformation, there is Erotic Conspiracy Crime threat.
Matchmaking Agency: Youtube, Tiktok, Tinder, Pornhub
Mustn’t Instant, Must Hub. Prevent artifact i.e. Streaming; Prevent Stealth i.e. Library.

4. Federalism; KMT; Serpent; Unemployment Insurance; Career (Social Disorder)
If Resurrection, there is Virus Monetary Crime threat.
Job Agency: Indeed, Linkedin
Mustn’t Instant, Must Hub. Prevent Non serious advertising i.e. Deep Crawl; Prevent Non serious job seeker i.e. Comprehensive Database.

5. Gini orientated; NASA; Man of Sin; Liability Insurance; Religion (Gospel Leak & Misused)
If Advent of Heaven, there is Abduction threat.
Search Engine: WordPress, Bing, Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Blogspot
Mustn’t Instant, Mustn’t Hub. Prevent Boycott Website i.e. Deep Crawl; Prevent Public Safety i.e. Independent Ranking.

6. Commonwealth; WHO; False Prophet; Health Insurance; Disability Insurance; Food (Drug Abuse)
If Cultural Renaissance, there is Nuclear threat.
Online Delivery: Foodpanda, Grabfood, Amazon, Taobao, Ebay
Mustn’t Instant, Mustn’t Hub. Prevent Wrong Order i.e. Data Input; Prevent Keep Privacy Record i.e. Benchmark Statistic.

*Highlighted are those remarks as conspiracy.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.