4Z5. World War Memorandum

Let’s me elaborate, the reason of Cold War is to protect from Tsunami a.k.a. Climate Change Conspiracy. The reason of World War is to protect from Nuclear Weapon a.k.a. Rare Earth Economy Conspiracy. Both are targeting to China. But Rare Earth Economy Conspiracy doesn’t work out at the modern time. The Climate Change Conspiracy is to start with a another Conspiracy called New World Order i.e. Digital Economy Conspiracy.

This is no doubts.

  • The Conspiracy to Turn the Upside Down World and Anti Semitic.
  • Start a New World Order with Brand New Advanced Civilisation, and Anti God with the Particularly the False Christ.

Well, all are conspiracy. And from that it limiting the Chances of happening Nuclear War i.e. World War III.

Chances of World War?
Less than 25%

To understand more, please scroll down.

And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. Revelation 20:10
然后那迷惑他们的魔鬼被丢进烈火和硫磺的湖里,就是那兽和那假先知所在的地方;他们将日夜受折磨,直到永永远远。启示录 20:10

Cult Gate Minnan Tangshan Sichuan Singapore China United States Korea Japan (Cold War Villain)(Tsunami)

(Cult Key Person)(Tsunami War Crime)
1. UN Lawmaker cum Idolatry (Pentecostal, Korea) a.k.a. Dragon
2. ZION Secretary cum Think Tank (Pureland Buddhism, Japan) a.k.a. Beast
3. NATO Mastermind cum Fund (Yoga, Singapore) a.k.a. False Prophet


Mafia Gate Guangxi Hakka Hainan Malaysia Taiwan United Kingdom North Korea Russia (World War Villain)(Nuclear)

  1. KMT Watchdog cum Wage (New Age Germany) a.k.a. Beelzebul (1st Derivative)
  2. WWF Monitor cum Scapegoat (Agnostic United States) a.k.a. Serpent (2nd Derivative)

(Mafia Country)(Nuclear War Crime)
UN (Italy Jude Mafia)(The Spider)
ZION (Ku Klux Klan Irish Mafia)(The Eagle)
WWF (Neo Nazi Jew Mafia)(The Lion)

All the Gates belong to Agnostic United States, Mafia and Cult. It is called Neo Nazi United States & Nazi Germany.

Islam is assumption aligned with Christianity Foundation of Protestant Theology, and sharing the common election Semitic and Islam Election Ethnic Egyptian. This has to be taken seriously, not to start the conflicts, conditional is Islam proven failed. Correct me if I am wrong at this.

Note that, any Religion is Cult in West, but Orthodox in East, vice versa. Islam Religion coincidence as no derivative at 3 denomination only. It is Orthodox in West and East both. The Agnostic Islam and Fundamentalist Church called themself as Orthodox with alot of Similarity.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.