4Z6. The Fakebook to Promised Land and Oriental

Righteous, Forgiveness, Patience is Fundamentalist Christianity Principle. Forgiveness, Perseverance, Verification, Holiness is Islam Principle of True Love. Christianity Theology use Risk Management i.e. Science. And Islam use Energy Management i.e. Economy. Science is for Trinity God, Economy is for Multi-Theism. With Lever effect, these going to Works for many of us.

There is Buddhism variant has many content of Principle of True Love. All of those Buddhism are experimental Science.

And of these named as the Dimension of Science. Experimental is Fun. It got to synergy all of these for New Age Religion.

Without Agnostic Fundamentalist Church without Promised Land. Without New Age Religion without the Oriental.

There are New Babylon Promised Land and New Canaan Promised Land. There are Oriental Pearl, Continental, or Great Eastern for Real Heaven.

The Hope is Principle, Love is Law, Faith is Theory. The Greatest is Law. Never do the application of the 10 Commandment Law, it is non legit. As Love and 10 Commandment is a Hierarchy. People do so always infringe the 1st greatest commandment.

Academically, Love is for Family and Social, and Faith is for Country and Ethnic, Hope is for Marriage & Ministry.
Never Experimental or Application of Love to Family and Social but strictly follow and adhere the 10 Commandment of Moses. In doing so, you have good Network Rating Score i.e. Pre-judgmental Score. And that would be our daily foods and entertainment. Called Economics. Economics is homogeneous, & whole universe.

When the Promised Land formed up, we will relocated to new earth, there is only single phase of time, one direction progression. Thats meant perfect world. That would be Multi-theism, e.g. Alpha-Omega Theology, or Mario-logy Theology. The Perfect world for imperfect Spirit, there would be more testing, trials and temptation as record in Book of Revelation.

For those route the Shortcut to Heaven e.g. Oriental, could had skip Testing, Trials and Temptations. These all called “The Fakebook to Promised Land and Oriental.” From the argument of Economy Science and Modern Theology”. The legacy is from the Reformed Church Theology and My Own Version Bible Translation. For those read the Fakebook, your Economy as well as Life Expectancy affected, due to the High Pre-judgmental Score. Give and Take.

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