Y270. War Insight II: The Arena of Three Biblical Treasure (Whiteboard)

Life is like running a circle race, some do it hard way, some do it soft way… And there is no covenant of God, just freed yourself..

However The Price of Sins is Death. People curious how does sins aliked? It is a piece of shit on a flower. All sins about Intelligence LAW.

I meant the facet.. Do you dare to be Clever? Not about application, its about facet of intelligence. If the Facet wrong, it make evil. Just like our life styled.. everyday similar, but it could called meaningful life. That how facet embroilment.

Yes, e.g. Rhetoric, Posture..etc. You are trying to Word Prison someone with the Sake of Your Own Personal/Family Security. This is analogy to a Dictatorship Era.

I thought every words can scare you off, but this looks no hope. You are trying to kick me off. This is no proud but courage. Let called the whole thing off..You are blank.

Taiwan, stop complaining, if you not doing your duty.
How does politics define as? Its economy, its vision, its technology, its ethnic, many many.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.“ Matthew 5:13
你们是世上的盐。如果盐失去咸味,怎能使它再变咸呢?它将毫无用处,只有被丢在外面任人践踏。马太福音 5:13

The politics is Harmony just a Harp. Some posture make high ranking, some posture make low ranking. Stupid way is bargaining chips… Its an attitude.

Everything organic entity has cycle and 4 stage. So we are now progression into the 4th Stage. Just from many facets. Its about lesson we learn.

From WWI is about Semitic Status, WWII is about Christian Status, WWIII is Copyright Status, and we have closure. Copyright meant Holy Spirit… Its about Fear..

Its an Economic War. WWI Commodity, WWII Factories, WWIII, Telecom. Which Rank the True Semitic, True Christian and True Holy Spirit.

Many facets of Holy Spirit, by Truth by Grace by Burden. Is there evil Spirit existed? Its Freezer.. Quota based.

Thats about National Security and Software License meant to us. So people hate Nationalist. That is how the Corona harm us… Nationalist is True Socialist. The New Democracy isnt.

Australia is Nationalist. This is truth. There are alot New Democracy Country rely on Agriculture & Protestant Country.

Especially the Vietnam. Old Democracy and New Democracy and Democrat Socialist all different. Old Democracy is Three People Principle, Constitution. New Democracy is General Election, President Election.

Democrat Socialist is Royalism, White House.

Democrat Socialist: Personal Authority make Act and Bill.
Republican Socialist: General Election to make Act and Bill.
Marxism Socialist: office election to make Act and Bill.

The UN, NATO and WWF in ordering.

Democracy: General Election follow Constitution.
Nationalist: Presidential Election follow Constitution.
Monarchy: Bishop Election follow Constitution.

Alot South East Asia non Islamic is Democracy now. Meaning, Mafia and Protestant Christian. They don’t belong to UN democrat, but Japan as a whole.

These bunch of people are the inheritor of all variety of dark and legitimate activities.

Yes. Nazi Cult is East Germany. Fasci Cult is West Germany. Its not insulting but Its rule out alot of Myth. And current situation is about Youth German encounter Folks German. And we have AZ timeline and Alpha Omega timeline.

It turn out the truth soon. Biblicall Fasci Cult wins. It is about hymns. Frankly Dictatorship is UN Democrat Socialist as compare to DPRK the Marxism Socialist.

Its a common experience nowadays. Yes. Change a Government instantly. Would you believe? And to me, the one holding this power will not give up easily.

Against its depend on the Harp. Frankly, current quantum technology and Music Science, there is no Harp Technology possible. More or Less it just a EMF machine. Linear technology weapon.

Same thing to the Genetic modification technology. Vectorial only. For we don’t have the Meta Blueprint yet. Believe this, you will see..

Its a Weapon. Linear technology easy. So this is Harps. It differ from Nuclear is it timing and scale. Harp cannot control scale. Nuclear cannot control timing.

No value at all. Both of these. But Dog Fight Jet is awesome in terms of making Polling effect.

No Nuclear and No Harp beyond God Territory. Maybe Iron man planet. The Iron Man is irreplaceable to Transformer for Weather and Climate are nice.

And there is no evil spirit, because of Fahrenheit effect. No hunger can happen but Famine. Why hunger can be in groups? This is about God wrath.

Yes. To make God wrath is to make Tragedy. Often this require music…And when there is a beast there wont be tragedy. And it make funny..

The high level tragedy required Perfect Match. And Perfect Match is rare, due to my theology research. It might be Sugar Daddy or Workaholics.

No, we are announcing globally escalated of threat free. Thanks to the Father of Computer.

4 Weapon: Harp (w/o scale), Nuclear (w/o timing), Pandemic (w/o conspiracy), Terrorism (w/o target). and the Digital Information Web, Hub and Connection, enough to fight with all kind of standalone disaster.

All within God Territory. Even Disease.. required Blueprint. So this is the hard works of God alone, with nearly zero funding but Shareholder to make Quantum Car, mDNA vaccine and 5G network.

Taiwan represent the East Germany, and China represent the West Germany. Father and Son…

Problem here, we can’t trace universe, but universe trace us. Its always ping pong.. Bear a little while, all will be saved. Saved and Safe..

There 4 stages of Buckingham, and we reach the last quadrant. The New England… The Herald Anglican. What are the 4 stages. 1st Church Reformation Era, Hymns, 2nd. Pseudo Science Industry Era, Edison Thomas 3. Economic Independent Era, Colony to Brexit 4. Royalism of God, to Chinese Era.

Germany is opposite. What are the 4 stages. 1st Church Evolution Era, Prayer, 2nd. Quantum Science Industry Era, Tesla 3. Economic Alliance Era, Blue Sea SME 4. Royalism of God, to Korea Era.

The Brexit, UK and Germany must be the arisen of Berlin Wall. This meaning there won’t be third world war. Just like Fasci Japan separated from Nazi Germany.

This is remarkably. We are heading certainty place. Yes George Bush Sr, triggering the Third War. This is analogy to a communities forms when a country become democracy and Schism. When two kingdom join, it forms army regime.

Another issue, now the Knowledge economy cannot sustain itself, as knowledge worker goes to Rare Earth industry. And this make Corona vaccine cheap.

Have Blessed Day


A. WWI, Commodity: True Semitic

Catholic vs Protestant

Climate Protocol: Carbon Bill vs Marriage Law->United Kingdom (Semitic)

B. WWII, Factory: True Church

Orthodox vs Protestant
Buddhism,Islam,Hinduism, Orthodox vs Protestant
Catholic, Orthodox, Presbyterian vs Baptist, Episcopal, Charismatic

Branding: Trading (Product) vs Labour (Component)->Protestant Church (True Church)

*End time would be Orthodox Church True Church due to Economic Conspiracy.

C. WWIII, Telecom: True Holy Spirit

Nazi Germany vs Fasci Japan
TW vs CN
Democracy, Communist, Democrat WHO vs Nationalist, Republican, Marxism Socialist WWF

Mac Address: Apple (UK, Thief Vulnerable) vs Windows (GER, Anti Thief)->Nazi Germany (True Holy Spirit)

*If there no WWIII, then Fasci Japan True Holy Spirit.

Errata 22Aug2022

Copyright (C) 2022, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.