Y306. War Insight V: The Readiness of Blueprint (Whiteboard)

All about Justification. In other words, the debt. To clear the debt in wise way, is to leverage it into Funds. Most Fund is made into Good use. So most Funding is Positive Growth. That the Great way to cover up the Debt.

Terrorism Funding is a Economic Conspiracy which make Higher Debt. From the Bankruptcy or Regional Economic Crisis may reveal the blueprint. The Federation Bank interest tells.

This make high inflation the high terrorism activities. Point up to Indonesia. and of Course the Agricultural Oriented Semitic Country.

The Capitalist. In taiwan called 3C products (Electronic Gadget) belong to this category. Hence, point up to not Component SME maker but Gadget MNC.

This is justifiable with Cult. The next is Malaysia, which is confirmed. Japan and Korea both are Semitic. The First Born Lamb. In which there are mostly remain as Bachelor.

The next is Democracy of Thai peninsular. This is extra effort for there are 1st born Lamb too. This form the 3rd Rising Power from Western World. The Path it goes toward China. The Socialist Campaign toward China.

Proven George Bush Senior Effort, of Schism of Soviet Union. Is Schism of Russia feasible? One country can split max. 3 times. Its too many. The Ukraine Battle is about the reign of UN.

What concern is UN dominancy is in High Debt country. This battle is disruption of Vatican dominance in UN. This is Financial Crisis plus Religion Crisis by Islam.

To form up New Jerusalem or New Palestine, it have to sesame wins. Tiktok. and thence happily live ever after. Literacy rate is Capitalism, and Language level is Democracy. Just read vs speak.

Never teach English to Islam. This is current Russia Campaign to recover. What done had done, it make Islam Renaissance Campaign.

Oppose doctrinal Teaching of Leviticus. This however increase the burden to Capitalism party. God said let make Heaven separate with Earth, and the Orientation is never decided.

There aren’t two kings, nor one greater or smaller. For Regime unify Politics. and Democrat is Regime based. Another issue is the Ukraine Battle, About Roman Vatican vs Russia Catholic.

This is the Standby Battle. This rule out the Extra Time. This could accompany with Charismatic Wave temptation. The grey area.

Russia are not Nationalism. Meaning, they don’t care about Asia people. This make Church Reformation unnecessary. Neither the Ukraine Battle.

Church has to be Bond up with All Categories. Sorting thereafter. Just leave as it, and progressive growth. The narrow door you cant find.

What differentiate us is the Biblical Truth. This makes boundary of Sky. In which Church United, Sky United too. This is undesirable. So make Small Land strong.

Bad motive will never victory. There are 3 possible of Future, the Post A.D. the beyond Calendar, End Loop into Realism (Revelation) or Backward into Spiritual (Genesis).

Those Follow Jesus goes Heaven, Follow Christ goes Eden Garden. Follow Messiah the Omega stay in the loops. It would continue goes until the end loops, which can be eternally.

The Success of Elizabeth II is on inheritance of ruling the Asia Colony, the Democracy of Asia. especially Chinese. Independence from Japanese Colony and Chinese Monarchy Think Tank.

Half of the Think Tank is evil. Now Chinese doesn’t have moderate Think Tank. But Nationalist Taiwan. This make Capitalism evil than Democracy.

Heritage make Scapegoat the Tax collector. Tax Collector is Mafia. Its not measure by Monetary but in terms of Public Security. The Cold War threat.

This is the Corner stone of Vatican. Its about 36 community debate with 36+6 community. The Justice buffering time could be cut. Meaning the maturity of Christianity. As this deviating into 3 scenario, New B.C. or Happily Live Ever After.

Ultimately Land would be vanished, and Sky Net Formed. Those Righteous will floated. Those Righteous will floated. The Church had to Privatised rather than Public, to maintain sustainably.

Profitable church wont sustainable. For the reason of Literacy rate, It had to be Perfectionism. 100% Privatised. So you go Africa, there many Churches. It make harvest profit on the sake of collect land property interest.

The Money in turns make into Good use. Assurance of Atonement. Those Monetary, Heritage, Literary Affirmation with Holy Spirit. Once and only Baptism because of Linearly Vector. This called Spiritual Algorithm. 7 note. C major.

This is the Conch Effect not the Harp Effect. For Intention of Archaeology is about Music. Only Buckingham music is Jerusalem Platform, most likely.

This bring up Ancient Israel Jew Community is still maintain as Current Era Community. All Spirit is Good, but all Spirit Growth their own speed.

This makes eternal life possible. It is Long Lasting and Perpetual Spirit goes into Realism Heaven or Spiritual Eden Garden. Difference on 2nd Death in Heaven. The Islam doesn’t have Holy Spirit, they cant go Eden Garden.

Holy Spirit is Nationalism, Islam is Socialist Think Tank. This makes Profitable Terrorism. The different is here. Nationalism, the Heaven Centred. Its about win win or tie.

This makes Israel Dilemma. So We are in the best effort of Assurance of Zero Threat from Islam Terrorism if they are in Crisis of Selling the Government Property Bond. This meant the Conquer of Sky rather than Land. It is by Biblical Truth rather by Telecommunication.

And Islam doesnt have Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is Language Level. Not Literary rate but Language Usage Precision. Posture, Rhetoric, Melody tells.

The rest are Democrat Islam. You ask why? The Babel Tower Lesson. the threat of Islam Colonisation. Islam potential reign the world if Barrier of Communication is removed.

For they are 1st Born Lamb too. The Semitic. And this make Peace rather than War which benefit to their ruling of Heavenly Kingdom.

Solution here… Let’s support Buckingham reign and link up Russia confront of Islam they are in tactical conflicts. The Racial Riot make no place for African make Political Stability in United States, for High Social Bonding.

When talk about Money and Religion they cant win. Of course, one thing oppose one thing. The China is the cure. China holding the Islam gate the Democrats Islam, whoever reign the World.

And the Neighbourhood country of the Gate became the threat. This could be Fish war. The Navy. Sea Boundary meant Identity and Heritage.

Which is also meant the Justice and Heaven maturity. And Global Bottleneck is within Taiwan Heritage and Identity. Taiwan Sea.

If this is clear out, meaning Covenant of Heaven is reached. Which is the Political Evolution of Korea Peninsular and China. It had to be Democrat and one side each. Capitalism is not Capitalisation, but Globalisation.

Again, the Expanding of Church. The Skynet. The China has no think tank at all. It Chinese Organised Crime has disrupted, until now.

So Electronic Wallet is accessible to most business. The rest is Commercial think tank. Buddhism is 4 emptiness. To identify Organised Crime can only from the High Carbon Bill which is also the Low Living Quality.

Organised Crime form up community with Islam. They cant join in Major Chinese. They cant join in Major Chinese. So if Chinese has Organised Crime? The answer is remained party. Not in China else where. either Bhutan, the condition is linkup China with International. I would said Singapore and Malaysia remained Ancient Dynasty party.

But looks to me, it not crime oriented nor economic conspiracy other than Politic conspiracy. Economic Conspiracy motive is toward Political Conspiracy. Economic conspiracy isnt profitable. Two kind of Terrorism, one is Democrat Islam the Political Motive, another is Middle East Terrorism the Monetary Motive.

So the Issue now is about Politic inclined Terrorism and this involve 2 kind of War. Sea War and Sky War. The middle east terrorism is Think Tank oriented. And the Chinese Organised Crime cant exist in China, but Singapore or Malaysia.

The profit comes from control the Equity Market Trends. But not the Technology advanced Hacking. Equity market Economy is Economic Conspiracy either. Doesnt make any senses.

For Dummies. The real threat is Politic inclined terrorism. Which is undesirable. Yes Middle East Terrorism doesnt make profit too, they are for Religion Purposes. This is secret.

50% Equity Market is Economy Conspiracy, incl. F&B and Electronic products MNC, Animation Inclined IT company, etc. The closure is Financial Deficit. Hence, Equity market provide only the platform but the money of gaining is share among the Trader themselves.

The balancing is likely Financial Deficit. This is apparently I proven just now. It is a religion cum political conspiracy more than monetary benefit, its bribery some more.

So if religion cum political conspiracy doesnt threat you, then you are freedom from terrorism. political is yes. I proven. but religion maybe yes maybe not 36 42 36.

So the terrorism escalated to Ukraine. Back to square, you know what you want. Tell you we might be in isotope. There will be merge and orientated. 4 isotope. That called the Moon Phase.

So the star blinking is the configuration of Community Code. The Code could tells the Dynamic of the Platnet, from Begin to Ending. It match to current world. Its a plain moses code.

From the Space Telescope Histogram analysis could tells the Maturity of Timeline. It is periodical. Its depend on the human allowance.

And telescope picture could tells the Sound from the Universe. The God sound. This determine the Homogenous Time Phase of Whole Civilisation.

And the searching of E.T. is easy, it is with Human Kind since the Bible Published. For Bible motive is to against the Universe. All Creatures and Animals raised up Holy Spirit and Heritage into Higher Dimension, the Sky.

The Universe is against God. Israel God doesnt create Universe. But Roman God or Egyptian God. There isnt One god, many gods. But there only 4 vacant position in Israel.

The Famous 4 position of God. Nor Buddhism nor Hinduism. My Mathematics. It cater 2 isotope for Buddhism Hinduism the diagonal.

This is the best bet due to Christian Calendar, and Islam Calendar. The sharing of same Economy Theory. In addition on Mutual agree on the Meta Arts, which point to the same calibre.

From the value of Jewellery vs Electronic Gadget. This discrepancy makes Harmony. And bring up the important of 3rd Religion God. Hence the 4th? No.

There are only 4 slot. Who else? Hinduism merge with Buddhism is called silk road. And the Catholic own 1 slot. The portion not the counts is the key.

It has determined, according to genealogy time scaled. This is projected to since B.C., the economy, culture and heritage according by this.

From there we may know the age of Eden Garden. It is 7 plus 7. The Logarithm Graph, tells the Stalled timing. This is a scam. because it required 2 score.

It can be calibrate with Tombing by Telescope Picture Histogram. So now we know it can only one time. One time Eden Garden.

Where it is hideout? The same phase as Israel, meaning the United Kingdom. Or Ukraine?

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