Y309. Political Evolution VIII: Fast Lane, 1st Checkpoint, Train A (Census)

No rainbow here..Fake Democrat is demon. In revealed, the Democrat Socialist is Sole Dictatorship Government full autonomy. The UN. United Nations.

To disruption it by Politics protest or FBI. Identified is more than enough. The motive is to conquer the heaven separately then earth.

And the target the Scapegoat the Mafia rather than disruption the politic Fund the best bet. Just escalating the Ukraine, Taiwan, Korea Battle into Cold War.

Human cannot hold justice. rule out Vatican. The Islam clan. The Law execution justice cannot accept. But Christian favour to Covenant justice.

And Jesus said its freely to decide who greater between goat and sheep, same applied to catholic debate. No string.

What bond up the Semitic community is Liberal Law, of as well as Climate Protocol. Both are Covenant of Ark and Conch separately.

What happen to our church? The Assurance of Church is a Scam? Jesus has clarified the Affirmation of Assurance of Church.

It is Uncertainty. But of course, guarantee can be made at condition. It is a World Wide Scam. There are Antichrist, the mainstream Christian.

It is plotted. Nothing could changed. Now we had verified the Narrow door. But Emergency Glass Door for mainstream.

It is the Assurance of Church can be made, at condition of Lawful. Trust and Obey, you are Protected.That is the Emergency. At norms, we have had to innovative. For Reliability at cost of Power.

Sure way, less speed. Present Issue is Bordered Christian, the 2 kinds of Catholic.Protestant inclined vs Islam inclined. Its just morons.Its the quantum games.

Apparently, Russia Catholic had to fade before the Mainstream rise. Downfall before the Advent. Vatican is the Country Dramatic Road. The shortcut.

Russia Catholic similar to Protestant. The Mainstream. Beta Shortcut Road vs Express Steam Train. The reason of Downfall of Russia Catholic because the Overtake of Protestant the two kind Antichrist by Religion Unity.

Moses Law defines Salvation and Church. International Law defines Antichrist and its bunches. Law vs Doctrines.

One for Non-Semitic Salvation and One for Semitic Repentance. The Capitalism and Democracy, which conflict each other.

Capitalism consists Vatican and Catholic. Democracy consist Socialist Protestant and Nationalist Episcopal. Step is Democracy first. All check point must passby.

The Famous Land Rover, SkyApe, and SeaGate

1. Nation Wide Covenant boundary out the 3 Communities by Classify the Land Terrain.

2. Climate i.e. Economic Offence separates out the 8 Channel into Sky Light.

3. International Law constitutes into 6 Identity on dividing the Sea Axis.

Capitalism consists Vatican and Catholic.
Democracy consist Socialist Protestant and Nationalist Episcopal.

1st Battle of Socialist vs Nationalist

  1. Sky War: Rule in the Suspect City.
  2. Sea War: FBI, Crime Disruption.
  3. Form Promised Land, the New Taiwan.
  4. Hence the Earth & Hell.

2nd Battle of Vatican vs Catholic

  1. Land War: Identify the Corrupted Communities. Hence comes out Winner.
  2. Form Oriental, the New Jerusalem.
  3. Judgement of all Semitic and all Christian, filtered out all kind Antichrist.
  4. Hence the Heaven and Earth, Hell and Fire Lake.

(Fast Lane, 1st Checkpoint, Train A)->Heaven, Earth->Hell

1. Catholic: Goat+Sheep->Fast Lane+Earth
2. Reformed: Goat+Sheep->Train A+Earth
3. Islam: Goat+Scapegoat->Check Point+Earth
4. China/India: Goat+Sheep->Check Point or Train A+Earth
5. Vatican: Goat+Sheep->Check Point, Fast Lane+Earth
6. Protestant: Goat+Sheep->Check Point+Earth

Earth->Hell: Scapegoat+Antichrist+Gentile

*China Goat is by Genealogy alone without Archeology, the Accumulated War Crime. All Time Ranked, Hence Rotating 1 round suffice make China Timeline.
Rotating 5000 round suffice make all Whole Universe e.g. the Scaled Down Asia Civilisation Timeline.

And, Asia Civilisation Goat is not depend on Skin color, but Blood type i.e. the Face emotion. It is however mirror each other, the Asia mainstream isnt Asia goat.

*Christian Goat is by Genealogy alone without Archeology either, the Biblical. Upside down Flip along with Risen of Israel to Crisis of New Israel in which the only place the Migration of Canaan Jew may Prospered, which had Biblical plotted.

*Islam Goat and Scapegoat is by Selection of Islam God Alone, not either way. This makes the closure become Arbitrary, hence not base on Individual Influence but Individual Asset i.e. Fund as Datum, not Group Debt, nor Individual Debt either as Datum. Investment vs Insurance vs Installment.

*Sheep can define to any Maturity Christian. Grey area is only happen in China/India Maturity Christian, the Frog, due to Inconsistent Meta Standard, Theory sets. Thence, Natal Born with the Climate Sins. This is however, not applied to Western Christian.

*2 Kind of Sheep, the Western Sheep which Rank according to Holiness of Baptism, the last resort., and Asia Sheep

*There 2 Kind of Antichrist. Western, the Low Rank Sheep. And Asia, Sinner, the Climate Sinner.

He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” Matthew 13:52
他 说 : 凡 文 士 受 教 作 天 国 的 门 徒 , 就 像 一 个 家 主 从 他 库 里 拿 出 新 旧 的 东 西 来 。马太福音 13:52

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