Y7. Anti-Semitic

Opps, please don’t wrong get my meaning.  I meant I am not anti-Semitic, but there is a group of nonsense people doing that routinely. To put off the Orthodox Christianity belief from them, is one of the things they do.

Two type of Semitic (Jews), one is already an orthodox Christian, the other not yet to be an orthodox Christian.

As the Jews is the one most probably to become orthodox Christian, and this is the ultimate plan of Jesus Christ.

The anti-Semitic can be think of anti-Christ. What do you think?

The other thing anti-Semitic do include Tsunami threat, Terrorism threat, and Virus threat. Main purpose is to block the reconciliation of each Jews in each country, by denying of Christ coming but false Jesus coming.

The possibly group of anti-Semitic is Nazi (of course) but also point to both two out of three Islam denomination. It’s complicated, like a growing of the snow ball.

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