Y332. Nuclear Arsenal versus Chemical Weapon (Whiteboard)

As we approaching the New Remarkably Success of Human History of Diminishing of Poverty Globally. The Church has meet Crisis, especially the Catholic versus Pentecostal Church.

The Vatican inclined toward promote Marriage, this is heavy disrupts those Single in Love without Marriage, the so called “False Love”. The Erotic Quality is what a Marriage Required, but that is conflict with Spiritualistic Love. Hence Forcing Single to Marriage is a “dead end” of Church.

It is however, the Movement of Pentecostal Campaign makes the Schism of Catholic Church. And apparently seen in Democracy Nationalist Russia diplomacy with Marxism Socialist Ukraine.

And this is the parallel issue same to Taiwan Democracy Nationalist and China Democrats Marxism Socialist.

High Alert issue, that we Taiwan people was in vulnerably, if Russia make impulsive Response. Mainly based on Christianity Reformation, the Catholic versus Vatican. And Vatican has moving into the dead end because of Erotic defect teaching.

Orthodox Catholic had Wins over the Church crisis. No matter how, Putin required Take the Full Responsibility to Explain the Failure of Eastern Orthodox Catholic.

This is Warning, if Eastern Orthodox Catholic losing this affair with making War Crime. Your Russian Jude will be cursed.

The forever Assurance to all devout Christian, hang up the Nuclear Arsenal. This is the Canon. “Never Hurt the one you can’t kill, instead..”

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Matthew 9:12
耶稣听见,就说: 康健的人用不着医生, 有病的人才用得着。马太福音 9:12

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