Y31. United Kingdom Leaving European Union (i.e. Brexit)

Separating of economic free trade zone usually brings technology transformation, in senses of international business e.g. internet marketing, investment link technology which required of large amount of monetary capital rapport of core technology transformation. Conversely, the growing of economic free trade zone and the requiring less reliance of monetary capital, would creating more jobs and creating more wealth.
What United Kingdom now facing is the parliament i.e. Public strongly condemn the deal involving of leaving European Union which can bring harmful to their wealth.

In fact, some belief ‘Brexit’ playing a role in ecosystem economic, but there are still absent reasons of postponing and blurring of ‘Brexit’ deal.

What are those?

  1. The theory of Climate change to World war and to Technology Stalled Conspiracy.
  2. The debate of White Policy and Semitic Supremacy.
  3. The argument of 6th wave Church Reformation which constantly revolves by century.
  4. The risen of Alternative Energy as well as Nuclear Weapon and Rare earth economic.
  5. The ally of Islam seems vague and usually brings to desert, it’s self-evident.

Those five measures constituting to the consistency failed of Brexit deals.

Okay, then what ‘Leaving European Union’ could bring? It’s basically nothing else, other than technology union.

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