Y106. FBI Investigation Tips (Bulletin)

Public corruption, white-collar crime, civil rights violations
China Communism, and its derivative Syndicate Korea, North Korea.

Six Aftermath:

Covid-19 plague, 911 Terrorism, 311 Economy caused Climate Change, Digital New World Order linked Organ Trading Crime, Capitalism linked China ’64’ Tiananmen, Zika virus.

Three Reason:

1. Economy Conspiracy i.e. Illegal Financial Activities

2. New World Order Conspiracy i.e. Racialism against High Economy Contribution Country, e.g. Anti Semitic

3. Tsunami Conspiracy to threaten Taiwan (Tiong Hua Ethnic)-China Diplomacy and Start Civil War Treaty.

Four Methodology:

1. Funding by Church and Mafia as covered.
2. World Politics Manipulation to pro In-Justice.
3. Technology Stalled by Disrupt Marketing Channel and Mass Media Allergy.
4. Crime Disorder to creating Climate Change Advantage.


  1. 911 Terrorism due to Digital Economy Industry corrupting and overtaking by Asia Digital Economics Funding.
  2. Covid-19 Plague same as 911 Terrorism.
  3. For promote the Digital New World Order whereby in the Global Quarantine Period. It is involved into the Organ Trading Crimes a.k.a. New World Order Conspiracy.
  4. Capitalism linked to China ’64’ Tiananmen because the threat of introducing the Electronics Money.
  5. Zika virus was believe involved in Computer Platform as were used as ultimate virus blockchain tools.
  6. 311 Climate Change Tsunami can be triggered alone by Economy of the Geology or Continent if there is large group of people in triggered using Organised Crime. e.g. Abe Economics.
  7. All of these point toward the Economics Conspiracy by Macintosh, American Jew and Chinese Oversea.

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