Y378. Ending of Biblical Villain VI: International Diplomacy (Broadcast)

The Famous Big Eight Technical Tools

1. Psychology Strategy, Germany->China (Messiah)
刘备: “欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼” Xi Jin Ping: “Many belt”

2. Counting Methodology, Korea->Israel (Joshua)
关羽: “桃园结义” Adolf Hitler: “Satan won’t Split.”

3. Pseudo Spiritual, Japan->France (James)
张飞: “借东风” Bill Clinton: “Watch out the apple.”

4. Meta War, Singapore->Malaysia (Jesus)
曹操: “宁我负天下人, 不天下人负我”, Lee Hsien Loong: “Seek the Honey and Milk Land”

5. Technical Analysis Scanning, United States->Singapore (Christ)
孙权: “赤壁之战” George Solos: “Oladi Oblada”

6. Blueprint Montage, China<->Taiwan (St Joseph)
孙策: “草船借箭” Sun Yat Sen: “This is the remembrance of me”

7. Coding Manufacture, China->Russia (Mary)
诸葛亮: “三请茅庐’ Bill Gate: “Let Caesar to Caesar”

8. Abstract Social Engineering, Egypt->Australia (John the Baptist)
司马昭: “星星之火可以燎原” Neil Arden Armstrong: “The Small Loop is the End Loop”

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