Y389. Social Engineering VI: Humanity Heritage is the keyhold of Heaven (Forum)

There arent enough. There is rootcause we had determined. They are not belong to us. One word is not enough. This is called the downfall of Light House.

One man dreams. Its the victory of us. People are running forward now. Those are good one. Make a straight one. Continues important. It is proportional. Let backup.

So what is license meant? It mean original. Wrong Montage could make Genocide and End an Community.

Please don’t living in Abstract. This is Devil. Freed yourself, you find back yourself. Terrorism jealous against our Career. False Teaching jealous against our Community. Virus Toxic jealous against our Erotic.

Those jealous, against Jesus, those no jealous, aliked Jesus.

To cure Jealous is to start from your Job or Business. Money can’t help. This is Nationalism and Capitalism. What everybody lack is the Montage.

This required Travelling and Finding Ancestry. This is the Government doesnt want to let you know.
Some belief the Past Life, or Biblical Character. This is about the All the Time Ranking of Community.
Its Flip down escalating.

Man dominated versus Women dominated. The Diaspora versus Indigenous. And this is both attraction, by one positive and negative.

Hence, it could form up alot of communities, ranked by the diaspora. It is International. The indigenous, could form up a strong community by Scale. Not so easy. Quota versus Scale

But those Ethnic has strong montage has this benefit. Its about Genealogy the Post Natal instead, not Genetic.

Some country hiding their past crime, for getting better Montage. Its fictional. You attract the Folks only.

Spanish are particular about this.

To build up a community is a keyhold on Religion Protest. Christianity Reformation is International 4 axis oriented, the Economy Milestone only, but Christianity Evolution is Universal 5 axis, the Heritage milestone could made by this.

Hence the World War is Pre-Advent A.D, and Cold War is Post-Advent A.D. The Delay of 30 years is Cold War.

It is a journey from World War to Cold War. The timing is 111 year the small loop of geography pioneer, and also the big loop of heaven pioneer the 1000 years.

There was High Bandwidth Box Office. It can be replicating many and many, by making even smaller loop. The Quality of Jew Community make distinguish of it.

The Jew community is the Lever, the Bottleneck. It is contrasting with Jude Community. This is the Datum of referendum of any other communities which can even higher.

Not Market share and Pie. The Qualitative Value. The Dollar sign. What we compete is not the community, its about the Heritage.

Let all community develop their economic myth. We will fight it with 4 kind of Heritage Symbol. Pound Dollar Sterling and Yuan.

That is the meaning of Cold War. Who rules the Heaven. Islam, Buddhism, Christian and Christmas.

The Famous 4 heritage. If only the Pound and Sterling has all said. This decides Marriage Protection Act. The Mariology.

Spanish “Romance de Amour”, French “Ballad of Adeline”. In other Asia Culture is Closed Borders Strategy. e.g. The North Korea.

They want Economy Myth but Not the Currency. To join Islam and Christianity we get Buckingham.
Buddhism and Christianity also Buckingham, the Pound vs Sterling.

The Bulks or Yuan is general meaning. The Dollar the alternative to Bulks. Hence, there is no other Alternative for Israel Diplomacy with Palestine.

The Victory determine who rules the Heaven, the Pound or Dollar.

This yield 2 kind of heaven, the Material dominated or Spiritual dominated. The Tailor made or Spiritual harmony.

Moon icon is Dollar, the Star is Pound, and Cross is Sterling. Meta, Social and Montage. Utopia, Promised Land and Oriental.

The coverage is important. Its about the size of Pacific rim. The Radius of two Economy myth premises. Make the Promised Land and Oriental, hence deduce the Next.

But its a referendum only, take the radius as closure. Its more likely Dollar. Its just tailor made, and we are all the tailor.

Talk about technology, the Pound meta is Replica Engineering the Macintosh. the Sterling meta is Holistic Engineering the Ferrari. And Dollar meta is Automation Engineering the Printer.

Macintosh is about Colour Hue, Ferrari is about Texture, and HP is about Embodiment. There 3 brand maturity age is 8 x 10 years.

The Reverse Engineering determine the Maturity Strength. Terrorism is Equal to World War. Winner is not just theory.

For who follow the Edge, conquer the Death, and Heaven. From Death to Heaven is a journey of high bandwidth Road, Canyon road, Silk road.

When you walk in, you will walk out. Just follow. Temptation can change the course. You will be challenge with your strength. Not your least.

Natalism vs Racialism. Natalism is no question. But Racialism was used as Semiticism. This is misinformation. Impossible, semitic ethnic has the strongest social bonding.

So if someone claim Semitic is Racist this is the Germanic. Natalism is Horoscope oriented. Same as Charismatic, the Germans play around Evil Power. Alienic.

Protestant church is Episcopal, Church Reformed. Charismatic Church is Vatican, Church Evolution.
The Enemy of Episcopal has Two.

The Martyr and Christian Persecution. The Imperialism Catholic advocate Christian Persecution.
And the Vatican Serve Public ministry to make sustainable church.

Price is Martyr. Anti Semitic is Anti Natalism. Racist is against Islam. Islam make distanced from Public Ministry. Hence, Germanic vs British

To gain 3 axis of Meta, we required diminished the Bulks. No loose method but tight method. Its not testing but series of trial.

No note taking, but Safety precaution. This is the diamond, no testing or experimental required.

The International Community Natalism versus Nation Wide Community Racist. The Meta Science is perfectionism, no tolerance. Dangerous.

Ban Abstract Social Engineering. That is poverty. Natalism is not for Rich either. But Country Wealth.

So the 1 datum plane fixed, the 4 datum plane are random, it would self oriented. This is diamond making.

Dark Energy is Free Energy a.k.a. Potential energy at no temperature change. This is the Light Bulb tungsten and Fluorescent light. For magic has thief, technology no thief. Sow and Reap.

It is abundant to give, but cant received. Begin with ancient Chinese know this, until today same. The Holy Spirit by Grace.

You gain what you want free. Wealth is not about Hardwork, its about Choosing the right platform.
Example, more people more help.

Its Space Craft. It is more inclined toward Veterinary the Surgery Medicine. No end. Until we make the Meta to Moses Law the Dollar, that is the Final Journey.

The Holistic Engineering Calls. Not Blockchain but Supply Chain. This how Rocket can make. Not All Rocket same.

Modular, Screw-less, Dashed, Lubricated to name the fours. Modular Dollar, Screw-less Pound, Dashed Sterling, Lubricated Yuan.

All other Business correspond from these Big Four. Correspond to JDM Holistic Engineering, OBM Replica Engineering, OEM Theoretical Engineering, ODM Reverse Engineering. This is too popular. What I highlighted is we need moving forward from Technology to Humanity.

In other words, the New Government. Diminished Terrorism for Politic benefit. We need money talk and Humour.

This is in Between Natalism and Racist, inclined toward Democracy. Without Datum fixed on Democracy, we cant make 6 axis Diamond, Humanity Heritage.

This is to trigger all Heritage growth. That the end, choose right platform you will no terrorism.
Heaven automatic form up, when people join in.

The Famous Three People Management. The making of Logistic mechanism of commuting people to Wealthy place.

The Nation Wide only. Be careful of the Datum. It must be upright. For Whatever, it will run and to the finished. Cannot Pilot Run.

When Heritage become Maturity, it would time lock, the story begin from thence. It is not now, but anytime.

No magic here, its eye feast. Not blink of eye, but progressive very slowly. Its 111 years required. For any Economic Body reach Maturity.

For those high Performer. Who make the bottom neck. The Logistic Concept, loading of one is free.
This is skeptic, the pioneer of discovery is Messenger. Concurrent is contradict.

So, make friend in telephone, make enemy in internet, make love in bed. Placebo effect. The perpetual is the bonding with Jew.

For Breaking the Social Bond, is breaking the Law. That is upmost in Heaven. Not Mixed. or Harmony.
I dont know how to say.

You way is my way, my way is not your way. Hence 5 axis diamond grouping is the best methodology.
Expandable into 1 layer. The famous 10 conjugate.

Let make the predictable heaven to total heaven. All is begin with a journey, and we are half way done.
Too many Heritage we accumulated. We cannot afford Start over.

New thinking come out. New Future. Linear thinking cannt. Must become Decisive. For Soccer Ball is predictable Ball. Its link up past and future. Called Moles effect.

In brief everything can count. But you cannot count Jesus. Uncountable, and become to Atonement.
He will resurrection you too.

This is not just ritual, but the sign of trust. Reflected on Church and Holy Spirit and Election. Hence, there are 12 symbol of Cross.

You cannot group it into one. Its real number. This number is 5 axis right? Ortho view break it. The Real number value tell the Scaled of Montage.

The God wills. Its you make the God wills, not God wills make you. Its plenty of God wills, the job. And, you will have abundancy and eternal life.

All road lead to Heaven, but not all road fit you. Choose the one you can get. Winner can be only one.
Love is required in Heaven.

Its not right to abolished Law, its the Einstein Law. This Law is the Moses Law. If you don’t understand Law, you don’t understand Love. Love is belong to Law.

Its free energy. All is free.

Its at the expense of the yeast of atonement. This is Church business Operating manual. Not by Forcing, but Supporting the least one.

The very least, contribution. Those have new love definition, has New God. I meant the New Direction.
This could make people fall down. We cannt change God.

This is very single most important rule. This is about your Soul and Body. Its similar to God eyes. Hence, its relativity, no right or wrong.

But Quality high or low. This make the pillar of justice or evil. Sow and Reap. The time dilation of body response is the Justice Maturity.

This is can bring you to accident. It is journey of begin to finish, a sequencer journey. This can be used on Cloud Computing. The Next Home Car.

Most important is used on Watch Product. Its Satellite.

When the time progressive, we are more prompted to Legitimate.

Pound, Episcopal i.e. Christianity Reformation, (Natalism)(Semitic Supremacy), Honda, Trade Secret i.e. Trademark, Replica Engineering – Engine
Dollar, Islam, Catholic, Islam+Episcopal (Secularistic), IBM, Market Survey i.e. Service Mark, Holistic Engineering – Suspension
Sterling, Vatican i.e. Christianity Evolution, (Racialism)(White Supremacy), Ferrari, Economic Review i.e. Copyright, Linear Engineering – Chassis
Yuan, Buddhism, Charismatic, Buddhism+Charismatic, (Artistic) Samsung, Whitepaper i.e. Patent, Theoretical Engineering – Drivetrain

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