Y495. War Insight XXVI: Military Technology, Think Tank City, Hostage Camp (Whiteboard)

Dead Sequence: One major Schism and one minor schism and one diminished schism.

I. Utopia Beta, Jack vs President: Industrial Revolution to Third World Manual Mode Engineering the Metrology Administration Products Fulfilment, a.k.a. Home Office Revolution.
The Major Schism. (Luxury Mileage)
Holoscopic View: Family Credential – Celebrity & Refugee
Germans Clan: 1cents (hard) EU MY – Democrat
Branded Mall (George Town 慕尼黑)
Crystal Dust Gland
Military Technology: Cells Regrowth against Cancer

Nazi Fasci Cult Regime a.k.a. Sky Net the 1st Dead Route.
Tionghua Clan: 1cents (hard) INDIA – Fasci Socialist
Wreckage Tower (Holland Village 荷兰村)
Weapon: Spy Weapon i.e. Intelligence CIA & Word Prison i.e. Genocide due Nuclear Weapon
Meta Genetic Scheme, Diplomat Misconduction: e.g. Labour Act, Duty Treaty, Telecommunication Protocol, Medicine Policy
Religionism e.g. 紫禁城六合院 vs 炎帝, 制药->Alternate Core (Intelligence Recognition, Hunter Angel) Word Prison in Utopia

II. Promised Land, Queen vs Royal Doctor: Industrial Revolution the 3rd, to Utopia Final Autopilot Mode Engineering the Robotic, a.k.a. Natalie Career Revolution i.e. Semitic Career.
The Minor Schism. (Rusted Mileage)
Aerial View: Career Founder – Treasure & Landmark
Levi Clan: 8cents (easy) AU TW – Nationalist
Coral Sea (Queen Street 皇后大道) Toxic Dust Creamy
Military Technology: Drug against Pain

Qing the Syndicate a.k.a. Spectra the 2nd Dead Route.
Incl. Croyalflush Ministry FoundationTM 锄大地事工基金会 (Kingdom), Theology Research
Arab & Germans Repel Clan: 8cents (easy) THA – Marxist Socialist
Coral Island (Silk Road 丝绸之路)
Weapon: Scamming i.e. Bureau FBI & Trojan Horse i.e. Lawsuit due Lethal Weapon
Food Scheme, e.g. Military Misconduction: e.g. Intelligence Act, Subsidy Treaty, Broadcast Protocol, Employment Policy
Socialism e.g. 西游记花果山 vs 武则天, 造字->Extra Core (Bureau Recognition, Cupid Angel) Trojan Horse in Promised Land

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III. Renaissance, King vs Pope: Industrial Revolution the Final, Pilot Mode Engineering the Simulation, to First World, a.k.a. Intellect Career Revolution i.e. Christian Career.
The Diminished Schism. (Dead End Mileage)
Orthogonal View: Career Accomplisher – Blueprint to Solution
Jew Clan: 3cents (med) US HK – Republican
China Town 唐人街 (Silicon Valley 矽谷) Ash Dust Messy
Military Technology: Remedy against Brain & Nerve Illness

Mafia Underground a.k.a. Man in Black the Fire Lake Route.
incl. Chinese Reunion FellowshipTM the Nativity Population Census 圣诞人口普查 (Federal), Christian Ecumenical
Oversea Chinese Clan: 3cents (med) DPRK – Federation (i.e. the Gross Capita Regime)
Christ Town 基督城 (Canyon Road 花岗岩路)
Weapon: Nuclear Weapon i.e. Nuke & Freed i.e. Missing in Action due Absent
Energy Scheme, Business Misconduction, e.g. Gun Abuse Act, Weapon Treaty, Trade Protocol, Information Distrust Policy
Racialism e.g. 八国租界 vs 秦始皇, 防火墙->Extra Dimension (Heroic Recognition, Fans), Freed in Renaissance

IV. Oriental, Colonel vs Royals: Ecumenical Maturity Milestone yield the Industrial Revolution the Original, to Automatic Holistic Engineering Mode e.g. Infrastructure Cast Out.
The Resurrection the 1st (Commuting Mileage)
Homogenous View: Sketch Dating – Sinner & Critics
Jude Clan: 2cents (med) RUS HAWAII – Democracy
Jupiter Fountain (Burg 保罗) Organic Dust Ceramic *The Interposed 对换关系
Military Technology: Medicated Oil against Quantum Wave Disruption

Mafia Organised a.k.a. Pirate Bay Minor Schism Route.
Asia Clan: 2cents (med) JPN – Oriental Democracy
Vatican 梵地冈 (Joseph 约瑟) *The Interposed 对换关系
Weapon: Lethal Weapon i.e. Quantum Power & Quarantine i.e. Probe due Contactless
Fusionism e.g. 大闹天宫 vs 慈禧太后, 烛光晚餐->Extra Time (Wizard Recognition, Idols), Quarantine in Oriental

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V. Advent, Royals vs Colonel: Eschatology Events. Industrial Revolution the Greatest Time Lapsed, to Man Made Reinvented Engineering Mode e.g. Telecommunicational Medicine Projects.
Resurrection the 2nd (Commuting Mileage)
Pentecostal View: Affiliation Mode – Traits of Hope
Anglo Clan: free (hard) UK CN – Monarchy
Calvary Hills 加略山 (Cathay Street 国泰街) Hot Dust Metallic
Military Technology: Skin Repair against Foreign DNA borned Disease

Christian Regime a.k.a. East India Company Major Schism Route.
incl. Christian OrganisationTM the Book of Life 生命册 (Capital), Eschatology Calendar
Persia & Japan Repel Clan: free (hard) KR – Constitutional Monarchy (i.e. Islamic Monarchy)
Salt Lake 盐湖 (Tel’ Aviv Laboratory 犹太集中营)
Weapon: Cripple Weapon i.e. Semitic Organisation & Colony i.e. Duty Ransom
Legacy Scheme, Marriage Misconduction, e.g. Martial Act, Weapon Treaty, Ransom Protocol, Harassment Policy
Capitalism e.g. 印度卖猪仔 vs 黄帝, 治水->Extra Skyline, (Semitic Recognition, Pastor), Colony in Advent

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