Y767. Eternal Fellowship Methodology of Telecommunication (Post)

A. Promised Land -AM, Wire, Sound Track PC rating (1-1, Suburb Fire Lake vs National Wide on Duty Free Tax, R1 as Fabricate), Judges@Capital
Neighbourhood, Lock 1000 = Office 20Meta, Metric Gear
Schism Cored: Genius (False Christ, Devil) as Bottom -AI (Monotheism)
Alpha (AtoJ suit, Jesuit), Neon Light (New Standard, Diamond)

B. Adventist -FM, Optics, Album CP rating (Many-1, International 3rd World vs Multinational on Income Tax, R2 as Catalyst), Jobs@Capita
Continent, Lock 100 = Old School 10 Meta, Crypto Hygiene
Alternate Cored: Creature (Satan, Serpent) as Top -AR (Trinity)
Original (R rating-suit, Messi), Polarised Light (Generic, Spade)

C. Oriental -VHF, LTE, Radio CAP rating (Many to Many, to 1, Federal 1st World vs Urban on Service Tax, R3 as Stabilised), Chronicle@Meta
Global, Lock 10 = Church 100 Meta, Calligraphy Identity
Graded Cored: Goddess (Anchor by Ancient Dragon i.e. Man of Sins as General) -VR (Multi-theism)
Derivative (C major suit, Joshua), White Light (Union, Hearts)

D. Utopia -Wire, DAB i.e. Digital Radio CPPC rating (1-2, Federation Hell vs Metropolis on Property Meta Tax, R0 as Overhead), Kings@Gross Capital
Universe, Lock 1 = Family 6 Meta, Geometric Land Geology
Inner Cored: Unicorn (U.F.O & E.T. i.e. False Prophet) as Middle -WR (Partial-theism)
Coherent (A rating suit, James), Gland Light (Bordered, Clubs)

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