Y841. Operation Sheppard Dog (Bulletin)

i. Nazi Organised (Funding): Oxford vs Organised Head: Harvard (Business Empire, Private)
Meta Lilith: Medicine Protocol (Meteor)
Spiritual Villain with Banking Credit Rating: Genocide Instigating (Civil Law)
Word Prison – NASA (Present on Tuition)
Fraud Dogma: ZION, 12 Lotus, High Commission 机关: Judgement Royal
Oriental to Heaven: ISR/TW vs SHANGHAI/KR (Federation 基地 vs International 国际)
Serpent the Watchdog: Perterberg/Samuel @IT Empire
Small Loop Timeline: New Noel the James Suit (Civilisation), CPPC rating the Missionary

ii. Fasci Mafia (Think Tank): Harvard vs Mafia Head: Cambridge (Consultancy & Fabrication, Public)
Meta Rohs: Climate Protocol (South Polar)
Biblical Villain with Criminal Records: Tsunami Misconduction (Commercial Law)
Trojan Horse – WWF (Future on Privacy)
Referendum Claim: FBI, Zhongnanhai, Operation 立法: Imperial Legislation
Adventist to Renaissance: AU/SG vs BEIJING/DPRK (Federal 中央 vs Nation Wide 国安)
Satan the Baptist: Peterburg/John @Church Founder
Chronicle: 2nd Coming J-suit (Economics), CP rating the Philosophy

iii. Neo Nazi Syndicate (Scapegoat): Cambridge vs Nazi Head: Oxford (Multinational Banking, Fashioned)
Meta Crab: Weapon Protocol (Beidou)
Linger Villain without Book of Life: Terrorism Mastermind (Intelligence Law)
Guinea Colony – WHO (Ancient on Human Right)
Duty Ransom: CIA, Freelance Mafia, Administration 仲裁: Decision Congress
Promised Land to Eden Garden: US/HK vs CHONGQING/JPN (Multinational 租界 vs Suburb 小镇)
Man of Sins the Royal Doctor: King Caesar/King Herod @Bank Note Issuer: Obama vs Jimmy Lim
Century: New Jacob/Jobs the Messi/Ruth Suit (Education), CAP rating the Sophisticated

ZION Peterburg/John @Church Founder: Peter Hunter vs [Zechariah]
Man of Sins: Christian the High Capita Persecution
Laboratory the Fraud Dogma (Beast)

FBI King Caesar/King Herod @Bank Note Issuer: Michael Hunter vs [New Hitler]
Ancient Dragon a.k.a. Satan: Natalie the High Deficit Persecution
Database the Fraud Tither (Fig Tree)

CIA Perterberg/Samuel @IT Empire: [Mr Bean] vs Cupid Hunter
Linger: Mafia the High Capital Persecution
Celebrity the Mastermind (Dragon)

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