Y928. The Methodology of Engineered Heaven (Bulletin)

Christian Theology is Foundation on Islam Law, Pillar on Medicine Law and
Platform withheld on Etymology Principle Religion. Legacy from Catholic
Eastern and Commercial on Vatican Public Ministry.

The Reformation of these 5 branches into 9 Theology the Methodist Church
Arminianism Theology a.k.a. Puritan Church
Nativity Bethlehem White Nativity Christmas Irreplaceable with Reconciliation
the Calvinism Only Christmas the Turkey Santa Claus Nativity Christmas but
Not the least.

Nativity of Christmas has the Edge on Democracy separate the Divergence of
Logarithm of Time, Progression Matthew Gospel vs Ritual of Time, Dorm Marks

*Union Communist vs Nazi & Fauci *Ally

Diamond Heart Shaped Synaetic Gospel vs Hyper polar Tesla Shaped Maxwell
the Security Systematic Gospel
Tither the Royalty Foundation vs Ante the Intangible Ministry
Sow & Reap

“Let Both them Growth, or Satan prolong the time” Matthew 13:30

Engineered Heaven: from Economics Soaring to Criminology Disruption to
Civilisation Finale.

From Civil War to Cold War to World War.

Economics Soaring Banking Ministry: Christian Wall & War Treaty Politic
Evolution Progress
Criminology Disruption Genealogy Blueprint: Christian Active Calendar & Bible
Version Align & Ally Other Religion Timezone

i. Commonwealth Asset: UK pound tangible 12per vs
World Bank: JPN yen, the Cash the Identity i.e. Capita the Popularity
Future the Oriental & Renaissance Express

Twin Galaxy: Polarised Bridging to Utopia Beta Hell &

Non-Fatal & Acute Carbon Failure Disease: 1% Benchmark Failure, dominated
by Poverty Class Semitic Generic Pandemic – Genocide Threat
Century Event, Building Hygienic Biblical Villain Cold War root cause the
Nuclear Generator Plant vs Subsidised Industry Revolution
Whitelisted Scapegoat: Stalled at Pentagon Military Left Over

ii. VISA Asset: JPN yen 6per intangible vs
Security Bank: KR won the Credit the Compound Wage Path i.e. Deficit the
Mirror the Adventist vs First World Route

Rainbow Bridge: Fallen to Upside Down World Fire Lake &

Chronic to Heart Fatal Failure: 7% Percentile Failure, dominated by Intellect
Class Natalie Leprosy – Climate Change Threat
End Chronicle Event, Federation Nazi against Federal Fauci Civil War rootcause
the Democracy American African vs American Chinese
Organised Funds: Stalled at Qing Dynasty Left Over

iii. Union Asset: US dollar 5per tangible vs
Legacy Bank: SG dollar, the Volatility Politics Tiers Vault i.e. Capital the
International the Promised Land to Utopia Terminal

South Polar Core: Inner Isle to Third World Famine &

ENT muscle disease: 25% Bordered Failure, dominated by Bankrupty Class
Ergonomic Disease – Terrorism Threat
Lock Babyboom Politic Tiers Event, Age Empire Cilivisation War Extended,
Pseudo Technology vs Pseudo Magic
Mafia Thinktank: Stalled at ISIS Terrorism Syndicate Left Over

Civilisation Finale: Cold Energy & Food Energy, to Talent & Labour Equilibrium,
Golden Timing per Eschatology, Eternal Fellowship Day the Easter Marriage
Watched Sunday, Area 52 UV Layered, to Heaven 53th UV. Core. Solar Eclipse.

a. Federation: 1st tier, Lost & Found Sheep, Galatian Present Marriage: Gold 44k,
Legacy Platinum Flesh Air

b. Communist: 2nd tier Repel Lamb, Corinthians Future Marriage: Gold 18k
Remastered, Silver,Sunlight

c. Democracy: 3rd tier Sheppard Dog, Ephesian Past Marriage: Gold 24k
Anthropology, Stainless Steel to Mild Steed, Dew/Stellar Water

d. Monarchy Federation: Sigma/Lambda Meta Obsoleted & Projected Gentile of
ISR God Eternal Life: Moses Code Infringe the
Duty Vulnerability e.g. 7 Lamp i.e. Job Meta
Resolution: Apollo Mars Landing PC 1,2,3
Chronicle ISO Exposure Plot i.e. Book of Revelation Canon Knot I,II,III

Gentile of EGY God Fellowship: Dogma Code Infringe the
Meta Vulnerability e.g. 7 Seal i.e. Marriage Meta
Resolution: Christology Santa/Messianic Chris Habour the Calendar Chronicle
10 Kings Dominancy 5000 years normanised.
New Canaan NASA 1,2,3 Telescope Archiving to Live Broadcast to Geo Satellite

*Meta Gentile Salvation End Century i.e. Meta War
Abraham King Made or Queen Made Remote Control or Pilot Run Match
Goat or Lamb Conceived Generations
Assurance of Love Commuting: 1 Corinthians
Over Dead vs Over Capsule
Gold Purity Property Value per Capita
Wisery Joshua WHO 1,2,3
Canaan Jews US->Canaan British UK->Hebrew Raffles JPN->9per Gothic SG/
MY/SHA/TW/HK/JPN/KR Black->Dark Dragon, Melodic back to Nativity of
Christmas. Bethlehem Coring. Queen Town->Queen Land->Virgin Island
God Made Zechariah the Anglo: Referees



Rainbow: Gold Purity Property Value Soaring to Meteor Era.
Hygienic Vulnerable: Anti Dogma Marriage Meta
No Poverty Oriental the Massacre Man Mis-conduction e.g. Nuclear Disarmed
Gases vs Nobels
First World Bridging Risk

Supernova: Economics Soaring to Beidou Exodus International Era.
Social Hierarchy Vulnerable: Anti Semitic Job Meta
No Famine Promised Land the Epidermic Threat e.g. Leprosy God Misconduction
vs Forbes
Third World Fallen Risk

Snow Ice Polar: Eternal Fellowship to South Polar Core, Federation Era.
White Christmas Vulnerable: Anti Heaven Canaan Land Queen Meta.
No Tsunami Utopia the Armaegeddon e.g. Solar Blackout King Mis-conduction
vs Herald
New World Order the Upside Down World Risk

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.