Y946. 1 Belt 1 Road the Politics Evolution (Census)

i. Oriental 4G Ecosystem, Ergonomics, Economics Perfection
Pentecostal the Job (Patent Pending)(Family)
*Job Dogma – Islam Fundamentalist MY
Federal e.g. SME – Republican

ii. First World 5G Medicine, Meta, Disaster Perfection
Union the Social (Service Mark)(Holistic)
*Engineering Ethic – Buddhism Fundamentalist SG
International e.g. F&B LAB – Dynasty

iii. Adventist 2G Landed Building, Pilgrim Perfection
Catechism the Marriage (Copyright)(Chronicle)
*Marriage Meta – Roman Charismatic Catholic US
Nation Wide e.g. F&B PS – Nationalist

iv. Promised Land 3G Duty Ministry, Office Perfection
Orthogonal the Medicine (Quality Mark)(Individual)
*Medicine Law – Latin Dogma Catholic UK
Multinational e.g. MNC – Democracy

v. Utopia 6G Mission Underground, Clergy Perfection
Emmanuel the Universe (Trademark)(Homogenous)
*Space Science – Greek Fundamentalist Catholic RUS
Federation e.g. NGO – Monarchy Democrat

Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.