2B5. Computer Science Synergy

Foundation compound (Code) CQ
what 7 材,米,油,盐,酱,醋,茶
Batch Input Shell, e.g. Bat file, Linux

The Brother (Publisher)(Copyright)
Social Science Artificial Intelligence Science UN
Medicine Law, Electric

Pillar mechanism (Stream) AQ
why 2 聚,散
Java Script, e.g. Html file, Java

The Son (Authentic)(Patent)
Natural Science Quantum Science NATO
Arts Theorem, Sound

Platform structure (Architecture) EQ
who 3 嫦娥,火山,大白兔
Standalone Application, e.g. file system API, Macintosh

The Children (Reinvent)(Open Source)
Astronomy Science Economic Science NASA
Science Theory, Light

Legacy reaction (Algorithm) AQ
where 4东,南,西,北
Executed File, e.g. APK file, Android

The Mother (Representative)(Trademark)
Health Science Genetic Science WHO
Theology Science, Heat

Fundamental product (Protocol) IQ
when 10 水,火,风,金,木
Object Oriented Driver, e.g. DLL file, Windows

The Father (Creator)(Service Mark)
Biology Principle Earth Science WWF
Pseudo Principle, Gravity

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.