D6. Advent Theology a.k.a. Augmented Sovereign of God, Salvation by Random Selection

Additive Fast Track
Denuclearisation Promise Index
Tsunami Readiness Index

Universal Burden

  1. e.g. Malaysia Strait War – Erotic Defect Problem (i.e. Anti-Chinese)
    (Ans:Tax JB)(Bill Singapore)
  2. e.g. United States Election 2020 – Censorship Problem (i.e. Anti-Semitic)
    (Ans:Tax African)(Bill Semitic 12 sects)
  3. e.g. Denuclearisation Seoul Talk 2019 – Fake News Problem (i.e. Anti-Christ)
    (Ans:Tax UN, United Nations i.e. Korea)(Bill NATO, North Atlantic Alliance i.e. United Kingdom)
  4. e.g. United Kingdom Brexit Checkpoint 2019 – Post-Baptism Problem (i.e. Anti-Jesus)
    (Ans:Tax Germany)(Bill Chinese)
  5. e.g. Hongkong Extradition Bill Protest – Pre-Baptism Problem (i.e. Anti-Messiah)
    (Ans:Tax Malaysia BN i.e. Sunni Islam)(Bill Malaysia DAP i.e. Orthodox Christianity)

Perpetual Contribution

  1. Spiritual Order Interest – Alpha Omega
  2. Time Phase Interest – Big Leap
  3. Technology Flaw Interest – Breakthrough
  4. Canon of Bible Interest – One Small Step

Benchmark: Saving of Jesus i.e. Bible accuracy.

*Economic Load, Applied to Agriculture, e.g. Farmers and Fisherman, as High quantity of Mainstream population comes along reduced Economic Bill.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.