B9. Application of Bible Topics into Crime Disruption 圣经课题的应用于犯罪组织瓦解

A. Classification of Ethnic

(Sheep or Goat 绵羊与山羊‘Gospel’) Matthew 25:32-33

Left Wing or Right Wing (CQ)
Four Time phase, due to Ethnic Bonding. (10 Terrain) – 10 Job Network
(4per) Chaos Theory
Agnostic versus Atheist are strong and weak. Those weak is popular.

White or Black (AQ)
Three Spiritual states, due to Civilisation Percentage. (9 Stage Timeline) – 9 Time Saver
(3per) Quantum Mechanics
Holy Spirit versus Evil Spirit are positive and negative. Holy Spirit is Light & Evil Spirit is Salt, the Evil Spirit ought to reduce but remain the Holy Spirit until equilibrium.

Virgin or Wild (IQ)
Twelve type of Ergonomics, due to 3 Continent deviation. (3 Identity) – 3 Avatar Planet
(12per) Genetic Matrix Quantum Computation
Western versus East, Middle East are mirror kind. They may ally but must stay solitary.

Hawk or Dove (EQ)
Six Economics mode, due to 7 Disaster (7 Event) – 7 Politic Climate
(6per) Feedback Control
Jew versus Levi, Jude are multiply each other. They must be righteous to one and another.

B. Independence or Grouping, Terrorism or War

(I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 我带的不是和平而是刀戈 ‘Gospel’)  Matthew 10:34

Country independence is War (Social Harmony), Weapon Possession is not Good.
Country grouping is Terrorism (Social Disorder), Weapon Possession is Good.
Social Harmony toward Friend
Social Disorder toward Enemy

C. 成全与牺牲

(given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. 神的国将赐给结神国果子的人,被夺走的人将被砸得稀烂’Gospel’)Matthew 21:43

成全是对的,牺牲是错的。Results oriented is just right, as its moderate and optimised.
Catholic must try best effort to help and support well stand up of Reformed Christianity instead of Lutheran.
The fall of Reformed Christianity is the fall of all Christianity denomination.

D. 宽恕,审判与原谅

(I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. 对亲人的原谅是77次, 主动要求弟兄原谅, 敌人打左右脸 ‘Gospel’) Matthew 18:22

对弟兄的宽恕: Tolerance is demanded.
对家人的宽恕: Tolerance is demanded.
对敌人的宽恕: Tolerance is demanded.
对家人的审判: Not required.
对弟兄的审判: Judge by not oneself but all people.
对敌人的审判: Judge if you deserved, don’t judge if you not deserved.
对家人的原谅: Conditional forgiveness and conditional acceptance.
对弟兄的原谅: Compensation forgiveness and compensation acceptance.
对敌人的原谅: Unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance.

E. 犯罪组织

(Let both grow together until the harvest. 让两样一起长吧直到收割的季节 ‘Gospel’) Matthew 13:30

Which syndicate is the root cause of all crime?
How to remove the protection?

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.