1C. Inheritance Decryption 遗传解密

Celt & Germanic->African (*Nazism)->Himalayan derivative (incl. Germans)
Inherited father & mother;Ancient generation Gene (New Colonial,America)
Indian;Ancient Chinese 古代姓氏,华夏 e.g. 闽南,澳门,福州 (宋家皇朝)
Dominated the smallest population network, due to Ancient gene.
No Beard (Hormone deficiency)
Strong Nerve->Reflexology System反射系统

Semitic & No Hebrew->Semitic (*Marxism)->Semitic derivative (incl. British)
Inherited father;Long generation Gene (Olive Tree,Israel)
Chosen;Diaspora Chinese 罕有姓氏,中华 e.g. 唐山,广府,福建 (满清组织)
Dominated the most completed family network and population bonding.
Balbo Beard (Balanced Hormone)
Strong Bone->Immune System免疫系统

Semitic & Hebrew->Germanic (*Nazism)->Mediterranean derivative (incl. Irish, Germanic a.k.a. Scottish)
Inherited father & mother;Broken (Long & Wide) generation Gene (New Castle,Australia)
Korean;National Chinese 通俗姓氏,大汉 e.g. 汉族 (新宋家皇朝)
Dominated the mainstream population network, due to Broken gene.
Chin Curtain Beard (Rich Hormone)
Strong Hair->Inhale System 呼吸系统

No Semitic & No Hebrew->Celt (*Fusionism)->Celt derivative (incl. Anglo)
Non inherited;Modern generation Gene (Old Colonial,Commonwealth Country)
Japanese;Mandarin Chinese 百家姓氏,大华 e.g. 海南,四川,广东 (清廷政权)
Dominated largest population network, due to Orphanage and First Born.
Toothbrush Beard (Female hormone)
Strong Skin->Hormone System荷尔蒙系统

Hebrew & No Semitic->Hebrew (*Fascism)->Hebrew derivative
Inherited mother;Wide generation Gene (New Olive Tree,Switzerland)
Thai;Oversea Chinese 洋名姓氏,华侨 e.g. 广西,蒙古 (密谋基地)
Dominated widest and bordered generation and population network.
Sideburn Beard (Male hormone)
Strong Muscle->Metabolism System新陈代谢

“You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves. 26 Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Nehemiah 13:25-26
必不将自己的女儿嫁给外邦人的儿子,也不为自己和儿子娶他们的女儿。26 我又说:“以色列王所罗门不是在这样的事上犯罪吗?尼希米记 13:25-26

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