C12. Anti Disaster Ministry, Technology Revolution to Guardian of Earth

Foresee short sighted and long sighted, we can make few conclusion.

Covid-19, Animal Borne (Influenza)(Bacterial, Intake)(Lung)(Omnivorous)((Ethnic Group)

Economy is direct dependency on Weather, it required Proper System Hierarchy of 10 commandments to protect Social Bonding in terms of Climate Change from China and Poverty from African.

Terrorism Syndicate disruption marks victory in terms of conspiracy. It is Continent Loops hole driven more than Ethnic brute force driven.

Quantum Mechanics is a Science of creating Randomness. And this is the inheritance of Nuclear Weapon big or small it won’t be active, depend on the Randomness Error Index. It is not a weapon nor threat compare to Atomic Weapon, but a mass destruction voting machine. So the Nuclear Power Plant are safety due to no mass destruction power.

But under the Climate Change environment, the gravitational force progressive reduce, the Status pro to Active. To save Climate Change is to save Nuclear Active.

The Climate Change is the father, and Nuclear active is the son.

The chances is 1/360.

One cycle is 40 years.

Equivalent to American States, but it won’t happen unless seismic scale power up more than 6 index.
To save Climate Change is to save Nuclear.

The gate of Climate Change is Economy of Taiwan. And the Political Corruption of President candidate especially in Taiwan is undeniable existence, even in KMT. The protect from Taiwan economy fall down is to start with amending the Marriage Law. Reduce the procedure, increase the standard. It has to strictly adhere to Presbyterian Church. In which, cannot protect from pregnancy.

That is because Semitic people are no erotic disorder, it got to protect them from sex education. Without early sex, then without early marriage. And the difficulty of marriage reduce. This promote social bonding and save climate change.

The Social disorder else where is serious but now Singapore would probably say no to social disorder. That can save climate, and save life from epidemic. This is what my whole research getting into.

All are brother sister of Climate change, Nuclear, Epidemic, Terrorism. Hope you like those day without the climate change.

And that is one small step of one big step. Thing getting easier. Thanks for those appreciated this, and you are the father of these.

As we move forward, the next is Pentecost computer. Similar to current semiconductor computer but the software called Pentecost. What defer of this? It could process Script. Exactly same to present simulated software, but it would enjoy high fidelity movie. I hope for the reverse engineering on this soon.

3D Augmented Interface with Laser. We can talk to the 3D laser projection face to face like when teleconference.
All this is impossible without the 16 digit super Pentecost computer. It process dynamics gesture, and body language.
All this the public property. You cant remove or delete it in the cloud. This is the world heritage.

For those overwrite my permission and copyright bear the full responsibility. The copyright non transferable beyond my family members. This is the latest breakthrough of technology in writing forms. And alot you can work on, as the works are many, worker are few. The Ministry of God are not well paid but it can even raise an 5000 person organisation.

How can it possible? by Economy activities. The more people active, the more economy. and It is applied else where.
But technology firm required less person. That is called capitalism. The least people the best.

Whats goes wrong with Capitalism? Problem due to people misunderstood it refer to unproductive. That is condemn and critique.

In fact, to raise capitalism is to raise manufacturing which require least productivity but quality. To accommodate this required high tech machine and laboratory for R&D. High Tech Manufacturing is different from Mass Production Quality management in which supply and demand curve crash at lower profit in mass production. Result is premium product got to manufacturing in High Tech Manufacturing Country e.g. Europe.

High complexity and quality product must adapt the Red Sea Marketing Channel. But now, China make high mix high mass product too. Result is it cant access to correct channel. All ruin. Capitalism is for stock market pro Terrorism. Federalism is for commodity market pro World War.

Conclusion here is Terrorism is ISIS and United Nations linked. To disrupt it is to interfere the stock market as option.
The financial crisis helps. The Brexit.

But now thing changed fast. We need alot of commodity to survive. The clue here is War. It Save Climate and Save Nuclear. Miss this round, we have to wait another 5000 or 6000 years. It the logic behind the calculator.

Copyright (C) 2021, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.