1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y466. Mercy of Catholic Schism, Fundamentalist Schism, & Puritan Schism (Forum) 14 Dec 2022 己所不欲 - 儒家, 礼尚往来 - 庄家 What to eat, and eat what is pretty important. Good taste prevent Cancer illness. Let those weak, be stronger again. Let those weak, be…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y465: Social Engineering XI: The New Paradigm (Forum) 12 Dec 2022 木马城: 隔岸观火愚人码头: 摆渡人的歌空城: 十年战火桃园: 草船借箭平安路: 寂寞公路盐湖: 三藩市到拉斯维加斯和平饭店: 宝莱坞剧场,龙门客栈: 柏林围墙, Bethlehem西奈山: 黄巾之乱, 三请茅庐, 东风破十八哩: Ceiling, 琵琶齐奏: 十面埋伏二十四哩: 大江东去, 覆水难收: 周华健巴别塔: 独白文字狱: 让子弹飞天堂梯阶: 梅西,圣诞老人与鹿女议和团: 大卫考博非, 仿宋水墨画, 老牛仔, 五一劳动节, 文字革命, 多媒体走廊, 仿宋水墨画。 Errata…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y463. Investigation on China Clear Zero Covid Martial Act (Forum) 11 Dec 2022 Suggest the ‘Cruce’, is Taiwan Charismatic Leader. By ‘Lily Criminology’, the Leader is arbitrary selected. By this Pursuit of Covering, thence, the China Zero Covid Martial Act is involved with…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y454. Social Engineering X: World Threats & Rootcause (Forum) 5 Dec 2022 I. Diaspora: Those Non ClanSpiritual Body/Soul->Lamb/Gentile Genocide for Nazi Heritage (Semitic Persecution)Utopia of Harps TheoryB1. Trojan Horse: Make Erotic Defect (False Accuser)C2. Heritage Frauding: Moron Injection & QuarantineC1. Chronic Illness…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y442. Social Engineering VIV: Copycat Workforce Management (Forum) 27 Nov 2022 A. MarketingDrama & Story Scripting – Anti False Teaching (Information Distrust Endervour) B. SalesSound & Action Producer – Anti Tragedy (Hall Mark a.k.a. Sound & Colour Graded), Anti Disaster (Kelvin…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y438. The Begin of Universe begins with Star Dust Collector (Forum) 26 Nov 2022 Impossible is impossible. Unless you make your own timeframe. Never jump conclusion. What you disagree, cost you. This is called terms and conditions and called the blind. The Machine Generations…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y434. Criminology XXIII: Money Game, Religion Game, Ethnic Game (Forum) 23 Nov 2022 A. Ethnic game, Christian Scapegoat vs Politician Scapegoat - Nazi Germany vs Islam Renaissance (Genocide, Conquer the Sky, for Ethnic) – Developed Society B. Religion game, Vatican Think Tank vs…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y431. 马国无伯乐?(Forum) 20 Nov 2022 The Atonement of Salvation!! 救赎的标记。就是可正,可邪。要注意。 如何判断 三点! Bikini. 阴阳协调. 不是Home Bake。 不是掌握时间与内容。 而是物体, 内容, 生命承载革命! Economic Loading & Heritage Harvest i.e. Scaling Optimisation. a.k.a. Political Evolution. More Precise, The Political…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y430. Repel Army of Malaysia General Elections (Forum) 20 Nov 2022 To make Heaven is to from fish liked duality to 5 star heaven standard. Malaysia General Elections has met Repel Army occurrence. The Taliban the Repel Army, root to Anglo…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y424. Golden Law of Energy and Food (Forum) 12 Nov 2022 Democracy has 2 endevours. 1st, Diminished the Cult. 2nd, Diminished the Mafia. Its belief the Genocide is within Communist instead of Western as the Politic maturity is young. What facing…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y419. The Remarks of End of Covid-19, and Tsunami Firewall Revive in Asia (Forum) 5 Nov 2022 This world is again Peace now, the defeat of the Nazi Germany in Ukraine has revealed. That is associated with Taliban, Islam Renaissance, Extremist. And that is the Firewall too.…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y418. Criminology XXII: The Order of Rootcause Before the Great Victory (Forum) 5 Nov 2022 Third World Countries Poverty Rootcause is Anti Semitic. Rootcause of Word Prison is Hinduism. The Politician Scapegoat Victory Rootcause is Atheist Jungle Rules Rootcause of Hijack Whitehouse is Politic Power…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y417. Criminology XXI: 3 Pillar of Criminology (Forum) 4 Nov 2022 A. Geology (Religion Maturity) – Universe Meta (Reverse Engineering)Jerusalem (Conspiracy Theory) vs Italian Mafia (Think Tank), ReligionismSpiritual Body/Soul, Integral – Universe Maturity 12per, ImmunityHomogenous (Climate Change), World War (Navy Fight), Religion Think Tank (Ethnic…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y416. Jungle Rules or Heavenly Law Journey (Forum) 3 Nov 2022 1st part of Christian Journey connected to 2nd part of Christian Journey is on Montage to Datum. God Will to God Election. Abide of this, you business make Profit and…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y415. The Rootcause of Third World Country (Forum) 3 Nov 2022 In UK, is "mind your own business". In US, is "all is my business". Who harvest? Its about Profit versus Revenue. Hence, Wealth can made, and Technology can made. American…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y414. Is it the End of the World or Charismatic Church? (Forum) 3 Nov 2022 When it comes to Spiritual, the first thing to ask is the Works of Spirit. Of course, Spiritual is for individual, but Works is for Public. The interactive part in…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y412. Criminology XX: The Fundamental of Criminology (Forum) 1 Nov 2022 A. 4G Platform, EMF, International, BroadcastDowntown, geography, SatelliteCloud Streaming (Original Client)Wechat, Twitter, Telephone, Television (CIA, Germanic)Quarantine against Mafia (Laboratory Report Fraud) e.g. Fasci Japan, Think Tank Crime, Criminal Crime(Mind Poison…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y404. Those Hijack of White House back up (Forum) 27 Oct 2022 Let's talk about who moves the cheese? Its among us. The Christian Church has total 12 type. Each has their unique Position in terms of Wealth. And this had plot…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y389. Social Engineering VI: Humanity Heritage is the keyhold of Heaven (Forum) 20 Oct 2022 There arent enough. There is rootcause we had determined. They are not belong to us. One word is not enough. This is called the downfall of Light House. One man…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y351. The Tiananmen Massacre 1989′ Lesson (Forum) 4 Oct 2022 Chinese Union Split into Taiwan and China, in which Minnan take part as well as Hainan take part. It is well assumption based on Taiwan is inclined into Christian Education…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y347. Social Engineering V: Colony, Brute Force, Poison, Think Tank, Terrorism (Forum) 30 Sep 2022 Five Risk Word Ransom e.g. Sabotage Colony Intelligent Brute Force: e.g. Children Abduction - True Witness Investment Fund e.g. High Tax Legitimate R&D Fatal Poison: e.g. Half Cooked Steak i.e.…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y346. Social Engineering IV: Reconciliation of Jew Prevent from Genocide (Forum) 30 Sep 2022 *Clarification: This only claim that in which the Jew Community may find, but doesn't rule any regarding the Semitic 12 Sect definition which mean the Economic Load. Nor it can't…