9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y777. Renaissance in edge (Census) 23 Jul 2023 A. Bug in Oriental “8” Fundamentalist Theory: Micro Texture HuePigfall: HygienicGuinea HiddenIllness Forbid, Fundamentalism Micro Science->vs JewishSilk Road 长生不老药HKSpeed: Blind B. Brute to Renaissance “10” Perfect Christian Puritan Church: Scenic…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y773. Glossary Added (Census) 15 Jul 2023 Monotheism - Quantum Theory UV - Iso 3per ElectricalPartial Theism - Matrix inheritance Principle - Isotope 5per ElectronicTrinity - Chaos Theory EMF - Isomer 2per MechanicalMulti-theism - Organism Theory -…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y764. Ranking of Oriental Resort (Census) 10 Jul 2023 A. Oriental Express (i.e. Oriental): EuropeMY -Hosea, Post HK 97’ Apple’ vs Cherry’ Ultimatecy Multimedia, Poker Duty: Eschatology CalendarRevelation & Genesis: Patriarch to Metric Catechism & Universal CalendarCivilisation: Crime Disruption…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y752. Telecommunication & Book of Life Insight (Census) 29 Jun 2023 i. Oriental (Lover in/Family out, Sky, Emmanuel Cloud 以马内利云)Etymology Naming or Watched Salvation Streaming, Wifi, Internet, EMF TV, LTE 5G Wifi Phone e.g. Zoom (High Lag, High Ping)(for Celebrity Office…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y738. Book of Life the Etymology Naming: Religion Unity the Persecution to Certification – Guinea of Religion (Census) 19 May 2023 i. Hosea, Lost & Found Sheep: ThetaAnti Semitic: Head DiseaseLinger 37: OrientalLegacyHonourPrivate, Trojan HorseGuinea Slave: Horoscope Star, Supernova, Plasma DustJail Mental: Ghost Staff, Foundation Legacy: First FamilyVirginia Ship, A.D -50…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y737. Book of Life the Chronicle Records: Scientific, Mathematical & Biblical Approach to proof End time, Heaven, and Christianity (Census) 18 May 2023 A. Warrant Sky, A-J Suit Reynold CarPromised Land: Free Time & FoodStone Age: DiagramAdobe: Codec, Graphic 8G ZION, RUS, SG, JPNHomogeneousSheppard Dog – Asteroid RainTPM ElectionsHosea, Jesuit: Polar Light, Nativity…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y736. Book of Life the Salvation: Religion Ally & Church Hierarchy (Census) 18 May 2023 5G/1G Islam| Apostolic | Moon River Stage | Tomb 10G/6G Buddhism | Sainthood | Mountain Lake Stage | Eternal Life 5G/8G Christian | Minor Prophet, Discipleship | Sky High Stage…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y688. Christian Politics: Foundation 200 Meta, Union 100 Meta Ranking or Church 20 Meta Ranking, Family 6 Meta, (Census) 11 Apr 2023 Alpha; Omega; RY; RQ i. RY US, Originality Patent News, (Foundation)Fighting Lock & Duty, Messi vs DevilTither Ally->FundamentalistGeneric Nazism Community – 200 Meta Rainbow Light the Theology Foundation Salvation ii.…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y683. Doctrinal Training: 9 typical Christian Calendar for Spiritual Prayer & War (Census) 9 Apr 2023 i. Meta Calendar, Lunar Calendar->Eschatology Calendar watched Jesus 2nd coming, lock7 Gels Conspiracy (meta clan), Halloween, White Christmas, Gathering a.k.a. Anthropology (Immigration Meta, the Marriage Misconduction Assurance Principle i.e. Ezra…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y675. Doctrinal Training: The Brief of National Geography Conscience (Census) 5 Apr 2023 5G Asia and 10G Western, Turbulent Anti Noise Enclosure and Laminar Sound Hall Enclosure Cubicle by Geneva Timezone. i. Sky the 6per (Generations) Economy Ecosystem, Interactive Environment HueResort (Orthogonal), personal,…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y671. Christian Politics XXVI: Religionism the Anglo Diary 宗教主义之狂人日记 (Census) 3 Apr 2023 i. 3.5G/10G CDMA (Rare Earth Wall) Oriental->7Eleven Heaven (K.O. Heaven) UN Federation eschatology calendar (Jesuit the 7th11th fallen, 8th RY Risen), Patrick UK US RUS MY George Town Currency Skew…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y670. Doctrinal Training: 3 pico a.k.a. three universe villain (Census) 2 Apr 2023 1st Generations: Ancient dragon/Devil (Frauding by Schism Female Army), Pussy Cat Route (Signature, Meta Cropped, Identity Thief) - Adventist = Castle in the Sky, Silk Road Medicine Renaissance of Shia,…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y669. Doctrinal Training: From Motive to Final Resort (Beta+Alpha+Theta) based on Tempered Mileage, Annealed Endervour, and Pasteurised Coring (Census) 2 Apr 2023 i. Herald Christmas: Germany (Presbyterian) – Oriental (Alpha Heaven, Ecumenical Lawsets) ii. White Christmas: France (Fundamentalist) – Adventist (Original Heaven, Etymology Name System) iii. Bethlehem Christmas: Israel (Puritan) – Promised…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y668. Doctrinal Training: Automated Heaven least the Legislation Attorney, Covenant Atonement, Rituals Redemption (Census) 2 Apr 2023 i. Certified Rituals Redemption (2nd Coming Jesus)Eschatology Calendar & Judification->12 Fruits of Genealogy->World War (Corinthians & Ruth 20per Alpha-Omega (Rainbow Bridges), Princess Meta (99%1%) Sealed vs 20 Chronicle Kings &…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y665. Criminology: Correlation of Law, Synaptic of Law, hence the Skew of Law (Census) 31 Mar 2023 Moses Law vs Sarah Law vs Angelo Law Social Law vs Economic Law vs Ergonomic Law Skew of Law vs Synaptic of Law (Discreet) vs Correlation of Law (Conjugated) Lawmaker…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y664. Criminology XXXIII: Working from Home Platform, Gentile Sky Platform, and Meta Disorder Platform at Eucharistic Final Day (Census) 29 Mar 2023 i. Time Lock, Gym less Body – Genetic Chronography Disorder ZION Soul of God vs Gentile vs Ghosttimezone & communication protocol mindsets – crazy or in love loyaltyMeta Spirit Soul…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y662. Criminology XXXII: Remarkable Aftertouch of Each Criminal Resort (Census) 27 Mar 2023 i. 岂有此理 “拜天口吃” White Dragon 白龙 Lamb vs Devil e.g. False Christ e.g. False Prophet, 99per (duty tax always) Lost & Found Sheep 乱党->Word Prison KMT White Light 11th Cryptography(Buddhism…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y661. Criminology XXXI: Remark, Whitelist to Sigma, according to Meta & Eschatology & Pentecost Calendar (Census) 27 Mar 2023 A. Wage Equilibrium Boundary Datum: Security (i.e. Trades) Capitalism the Holistic (World War, Stakeholder Celebrity list小丑党 (Fraud Tycoon, Dragon)->Religion the Entrepreneur Founder)Satan (Fox Meta) the Mafia, Serpent the Mafia, 50%50%,…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y658. Doctrinal Training: Samuel Suit the Non Weapon Technologist of Singapore Inventions (Census) 25 Mar 2023 Wireless the Quantum Connection vs Wire the Gridded Connection4.9G vs 10.1G5G Ionised Wave vs 10G Seismic Wave GeothermalShortage of Ionised becoming Radiate Shortage become into worsen Climate Change Shortage of…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y657. Doctrinal Training: Chronic Liver Failure, Brain Stroke and High Blood Pressure Rootcause linked to Temperature Scaling a.k.a. Climate Change (Census) 24 Mar 2023 Story has no end until the begin of eternal life. Hence, the proof of Christianity is proof of God. We can thence know the Darwin is viable too. For every…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y656. Doctrinal Training: J-suit Interstellar End Time Note (Census) 23 Mar 2023 J-suit. NATO: Fighting: i.e. Atonement by Duty Protocol: Fire Lake Route->Mt Lake (New High)Harbour: Moon River Dust #10 Johor Strait/Lido Abraham: 杭州 壮族/闽南 (RY), ThinkerPineapple Oriental Olive A-Z, Spiderwoman Adventist…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y655. Doctrinal Training: Heaven, Earth and River, Sea Made (Census) 22 Mar 2023 The 2 Kind Venue of Star Dust, Clay or Mined: Alpha Adventist or Omega Adventist – 20 Meta Chronicle Church, 2 Original Leader Suit (Ships), the Rainbow Bridge*1 Meta =…