9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y651. Doctrinal Training: Gentile Sky vs Global Sky vs Heaven Sky (Census) 20 Mar 2023 i. Adventist: - Mars - Pentecost 5D (Motive, Music), Holysee 8D (Moron, Health)ii. Oriental: - Moon - Holoscopic (Moral, Economy) 6D, Scenic 7D (Colour, Skill)iii. Promised Land: - Sea -…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y649. Doctrinal Training: Canonical Lawsets i.e. Ecumenical (Census) 19 Mar 2023 i. Heaven: (Nuclear Treaty, Gel Sheep)Nehemiah Zechariah - Coherent RQ – AncientSalary (Aboriginal vs Dragon) - Chronicle, Kings, Samuel, Judges, Ruth(Occurance) ii. Oriental: (Hygienic Policy, Ashed Organic Goat)Ether Malachi -…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y647. Doctrinal Training: Rightyard 无间道, Currency Framework, from Gross Interest Savings, Currency Issued Loans to Free Premiuer Transactions (Census) 17 Mar 2023 i. Gross: Bank Polarised Light, Lock Zone - Footprint, Chipsets the Dime i.e. Paper - Orthogonal 10per Own Business, CP Egg ratingAdventist TerminalCatholic WonsOrganised Mafia: Dragon the Remarks Stakeholder MY->KREBiblical…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y646. Doctrinal Training: Venue, Technology, & Methodology to Christian Affiliated Nativity Salvation (Census) 16 Mar 2023 i. High Meta HK vs Fig Tree, JB (Asteroid/Comet vs Land, Holoscopic->Parametric), Kelvin MarkAternated Core: Stakeholder (Moon Calendar - Conspiracy Activitity)3G LTE Satellite e.g. NASA, Intelligence Network Thermal Telescope, (6G…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y636. Doctrinal Training: Eucharistic Framework the Alpha End Loops to Herald End Loops to Inaugural or Omega End Loops (Census) 12 Mar 2023 CHI RHO CROSS I. Industrial Evolution Framework – Utopia the Generations of Democracy Sins the Word Prison Route Silkroad Part A. Space Science the Exodus Solar Calendar – Opera –…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y626. Christian Politics: Time Perceived & the Catch Up of Fellowship (Census) 8 Mar 2023 i. Mars (24) Coral Isle->Moon (24) Comet ->Satellite (24) Asteroid ii. Major Prophet e.g. Saint, Marty for Salvation->Minor Prophet e.g. Apostle, Anti Nazi, Climate & Social Security->Disciple Anti Fasci Church…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y624. Christian Politics XXIV: New Discovery of Mathematics Social Montage, the Fasci, Nazi, Marxism Rebuke the Crime into Least e.g. WWII (Census) 8 Mar 2023 i. Sea Track – Socialist (Soong’ Era, Dynasty) – Islam Jihad, ISIS, The Eden Garden, New Semitic SuitGross Federation Capital Isle or Lent Premises, Red Flag - Shaolin Buddhism Silk…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y605. Christian Finance Z1: Chronicle 6 Meta the International Law whereafter Religion Diplomacy Escalation (Census) 26 Feb 2023 A. Jewellery (Academy Meta Curve, +5min), Islam Eden Garden, Eschatology Patch CalendarB. Maple Galilea (Academy Meta Curve, +30min), Islam Democracy ISIS (Rush Hour)C. Timber Geneva (Academy Meta Curve, -30min), Islam…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y604. Ending of Biblical Villain XI: Biblical Etymology & Canonical Theology (Census) 26 Feb 2023 A. Devil: Jihad Stellar Tournament: Pope, Dalai Lama, Pentagon SecretaryB. False Christ: Zechariah vs ChrisC. Satan: Santa Claus vs UnicornD. Serpent: Cupid St Peter vs Hunter St PeterburgE. Man of…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y593. Criminology XXX: Suspected Terrorism Motive of Series (Census) 17 Feb 2023 Hillary as the Caesar Queen issue Banknote the Hijacked Old Whitehouse (ISIS).Recruit False Fasci UN team as Blacklist the Scapegoat (i.e. that point toward Malaysia-Singapore Chinese Dispute on Chinese Royalism…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y571. The Commuting of Love 爱的进行式 (Forum) 3 Feb 2023 Song of Hymns 爱的进行式 The Commuting of Love Marriage Duty is Cowboy dutyServantConsular?Teacher maybeCarrier Loading is wholly.Same exactly to Carrier DutyMarriage is War and Wall of breakdown or revival depend…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y548. Christian Politics XXII: Dragon Legend the Dynasty 皇朝之龙的传说 (Census) 29 Jan 2023 世界银行乌龙, 黄巾中华地 Capital from Capital vs 状元党非国民党古龙, 租界 per capita I. 华侨仲裁, 失落沙洲, 金融街霸 and 新登场约拿应许地 (Mahjong Suit)外滩华人, 真耶稣党, 不焕金刚and 不吃葡萄天空之玫瑰经 (African Suit)(Red Lane)海南 & 吉隆玻 & 槟城 Stellar #13…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y534. Classification Of Ethnic VIII: Heaven Elections as well as Theology Treasure Pillar & Foundation (Census) 23 Jan 2023 The Three Carrier per Continent and 3 Viral Villain Schism the Correlation A. 黄, Lamb 圣哉, 猎人 vs Gentile 四活物, 月宫 (满清政权, 满洲黑龙 vs 炎黄, 宫廷) 治水, 珠江, 珍珠: Israelite…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y522. Christian Politics XXI: The Chinese Royal Flush Pilot Constitutional Accords, if Trustee on Faith Hope Love 锄大地加信望爱 (Census) 14 Jan 2023 A. Computer Food, Workshop Room: Premium Cover Charge(Future Sins, the Retouch), Fellowship, Faith 信Royalty Footprinted Marriage: Aggregated Privacy & Censored Metric, a.k.a. Schism Mileage the AtonementTrade per Clock, a.k.a. Toxic…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y521. Christian Politics XX: The Reconciliation Congress for War Metricated Politic Execution, Economy Published (Census) 13 Jan 2023 A. Economy Published Congress: Anglo i.e. Hebrew Latin, Carrier per Gross Capita DeficitRoyal Economy vs Royal Traitor EconomyDynasty the Communist vs Monarchy Democrat the CommonwealthFusion Reaction= Judi Congress, CIA, NATOWorld…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y518. Politic Evolution X: The Chancelor & Congress Elections (Census) 12 Jan 2023 Ruler GradingThe Congress Pyramidthe Capacityand Capita RatingDatum starred, Democrat CapitaMargin remark, Democracy CapitaProfit highlight, Royal Capita Hybrid PyramidSo on. The Reaction4 Medicine & 4 Energy Combustion Reaction Chemistry electrolysis Reaction…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y516. Political Evolution IX: Bi-partisan Congress, 3 People Principle, Tither Tax of Servant (Census) 10 Jan 2023 A. Fix the African Democracy Mistake the 1st.911 LessonsTerrorism of Bottomline Natalie, due Contemporary Culture influence Social Disorder.Politic correlation: Bi-partisan Congress, Democrat Socialist to Join Chinese. Resolution to Mafia Guinea.Execution…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y508. Christian Politics XIX: Two Dating to Atonement of Marriage or Registered of Marriage (Census) 5 Jan 2023 A. Carrier Loading: Carrier Leading, Pilgrim the Church Fellowship Dominated, Tither Treaty“Child Pride Too High Theorem” Matthew 18:4Cow Boy Suit i.e. Integrity Defect, Ethnic Toxic, the Genocide, Nazi the Hygienic…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y505. Christian Politics XVIII: 回教与各宗教复兴之回教诺亚方舟 – 末世日历系列 (Census) 5 Jan 2023 A. 回教民主派: 末世审判 侯主再来 (African Suit)B. 回教复兴: 人造神 人造人 人造万物 (Tither Suit)C. 回教祈祷团: 反诺亚方舟计划之诺亚接班人 (Labour Suit)D. 日本佛教: 东方净土 小叮当 七龙珠 天空之城 (Cowboy Suit)E. 藏传佛教: 反诺亚方舟计划之航海时代 (Business Suit)F. 唐朝佛教: 西天取经之丝绸之路 (Wendy…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y504. Christian Politics XVII: 犹太支派之乱党与叛军 – 民国末期加基督教末期 (Census) 5 Jan 2023 三步曲:乌托邦末期; 民国末期; 基督教末期 The Transformation of Urban, and Economy and Capita into Free Flow Treasure. i. 建制派: 欧洲各属地,到英国的直系派难民。奉行犹太主义。黑手党 ii. 乱党: 国际白金汉乱党, 反犹太主义演变成外来霸权统治时代。法西斯乱党 iii. 五旬派: 欧洲各属地,到俄罗斯的直系派难民。奉行以色列主义。联盟共犯iv. 叛军: 全球俄国叛军, 反以色列主义演变成犹太十二支派叛军时代。纳粹叛军
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y503. Christian Politics XVI : 德意志航向之东方之珠 – 基督教末期 (Census) 5 Jan 2023 纳粹: 集体犯罪政府 法西斯: 回教22先知, 制造属灵世界,如十二天使, 外星人, 的属灵3G 世界。 起源于国民党后,对抗中华人民复兴, 华侨工友联盟,满清日本乱党。阴谋建立在摧毁中华复兴与基督教名声远扬。 记忆犹新的新代华人周知的,猪仔,洋墨水,上海租界, 香港私人禁地,澳门名流地标。不是黑社会,白道非也。 是基督徒永远的遗憾,拿着佛教回教基督新教,诺亚方舟集体大屠杀旗号。就是纳粹法西斯其中一个。 来到了民国末期,就是基督教的末期。国际化,全球化使命都自动化,的同时,基督教面对了做世界政府的诱惑。 就是著名的君主立宪民主化,也称为民主社会霸权主义党。最高权力集中在一个人。他是,纳粹法西斯。 德意志航向,明显化,东方之珠。继续阴谋摧毁中华复兴与基督教名声远扬。尽管事与愿违,诺亚方舟计划不延迟。对抗主基督的天兵天将。 时间是世界大战后。 Copyright (C) 2023, Ryan Lai Hin Wai, All right reserved.
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y502. Christian Politics XV: 台海关系法之进退两难 – 民国末期 (Census) 5 Jan 2023 I. 中华英雄, 绝代美人: 名利权贪奴隶制度之下的命运枷锁, 不过于此,美人作怪? 错! Capitalism 资本主义: 国民党, 满清集团乱党 人权谬论化政治, 菜头教等同猪仔泛生与人权制度抵触,然而这起源于人种优略谬论的压迫。这古热潮从满清政权到民国政权,从回教醒觉到回教复兴的教育制度。公义于奴隶财富,完全决定教育方式,即东方制度与西方制度的宗教差异。 Racialism 种族主义: 列宁社会党, 法西斯纳粹 经济风暴政治, 邪教等同鸦片泛生与税收制度抵触,从美国旧金山到华府的税收制度。从回教醒觉到回教复兴的教育制度。公义于奴隶财富,完全决定教育方式,即东方制度与西方制度的宗教差异。 Socialism 社会主义: 马克思社会党, 满清集团 分流教育政治, 毒教等同洋墨水泛生与商业垄断即武器条约抵触,这古热潮从满清政权到民国政权,从回教醒觉到回教复兴的教育制度。公义于奴隶财富,完全决定教育方式,即东方制度与西方制度的宗教差异。 II. 乱世佳人: 后起之秀 北海, 黄河: 洋墨水泛生与商业垄断即武器条约抵触。满清叛军流离政权。中华英雄部落。-…