4. Marriage Telegram 婚姻电报 (Time Phase)… Y205. Pacific Rim Scale enough be Heaven Closure? (Post) 17 May 2022 让大事化小,小事化无。总结。问题有五个标准。In summary, there shall be 5 standard, and issues. In Imperial point of view, as well as Capitalism and Religionism. In which Capitalism is in Micro scale, and Religionism is…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y204. Two Type of Christian Schism 两种基督徒分歧 (Forum) 17 May 2022 动刀者,死于刀下今天谈谈,流行的Covid-19 与强奸鸡奸拐带!在这里,我们做个大胆的假设非谋杀处理。这是Criminology 犯罪学,到此为止。得业者,得荣耀!有新宝藏,和旧宝藏。。得业得天下,并却得丰盛。 属于凯撒的归凯撒,属于神的归神。就可以高枕无忧了啰。耶稣说,我来是带着刀戈,不是和平。信亏者,得永生。到哪日,一半耕田的人,一半裁衣服的人。。将因此得救恩。 Freezer Point is 105Celcius. 好椑子与坏椑子分开的时候。。像一阵风。。Are a Christian? There would had a split. Dont waste time. For true Christian, if no rich don't go church. Just do…
4. Marriage Telegram 婚姻电报 (Time Phase)… Y203. Man from Mars, Women from Venus (Post) 15 May 2022 There are total 9 planet including Earth. And 9 is quantum. Its means Relativity. So I can assumed, there are 9 type of Earth by Quantum. Each type of Earth…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y202. End World Backup – Clear Stage Planning (Whitepaper) 12 May 2022 Plan A. Continental, Eden Garden (Nation Wide) - Biblical GeneticThis account about 50 Percentile of Global Population.Pro: Eliminate Epidermic (St Joseph) vs False Prophet i.e. Devil the DragonCon: Communism Economics…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y201. War Insight (Drug, Financial, Digital)(Whiteboard) 9 May 2022 A. 望 Oriental 5G: KMT (Engineer) vs NASA (Scientist) vs WHO (Doctor); Drug War a.k.a. Medicine War (Shanghai Bund *上海滩, Communist Mafia *小刀会, Qing Syndicate Mafia *洪门) - Anti Virus…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y200. The Calvinism, Nazi Defeat day and Mother Day Festival (Bulletin) 9 May 2022 Can you imagine a day without the Star? Yes. Star is the Twitter. And Mother is just a much as like a twitter. Today, the mother day is significant the…
6. Medicine Journal 医学纂集 (Graph)… Y199. Villain of Covid-19 Pandemic (Journal) 9 May 2022 Villain of Covid-19 Pandemic Devil/Dragon (The Breath the Scale, the Watchdog), Racial Riot Beast/Antichrist/False Christ (The Sculpture the Bug, the Genius), Sex Slave Satan (The Sculpture the Bugs, the Genius)…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y198. Christian Mission & Obstacles (Broadcast) 6 May 2022 A. 5G KMT Financial Act Organised Syndicate; African LiabilityOpera Strings; Jude; Latino; Oriental Blueprint Family & Justice Obstacles B. 4G NASA Christian Persecution; Copyright Corruption Cult SyndicateHymn Piano; Jew; Semitic;…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y198. Christian Mission & Obstacles (Broadcast) 6 May 2022 A. 5G KMT Financial Act Organised Syndicate; African LiabilityOpera Strings; Jude; Latino; Oriental Blueprint Family & Justice Obstacles B. 4G NASA Christian Persecution; Copyright Corruption Cult SyndicateHymn Piano; Jew; Semitic;…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y197. End World Backup Plan (Whitepaper) 2 May 2022 1st Batch: 3rd World 2020’-2023’, 3 yrs - Against Epidermic & Pandemic DiseasePentecostal, Islam: South America, Africa, Middle East 火山 Japan Fascism, Genetic Science->Medicine Plan A. Anti Vectorial Human Genetic…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y196. Casino Science (Whitepaper) 2 May 2022 3G Liberal Land Holy Spirit by Burden EQ->Spiritual Miracle Principle (Craps Randomness)(Monachy Colony)(Mac Ipad) 4G Promised Land Spiritual Body IQ->Moore’s Law (Black-Jack Categorised)(Republican Spiritual)(Mac M1) 5G Pureland Holy Spirit by…
6. Medicine Journal 医学纂集 (Graph)… Y195. Christian Psychology (Journal) 2 May 2022 Psychiatry: Low IQ Genetic IllnessTreatment: Hormones, Ion Air PolarOrientation: Biblical, Christian Perfection Mania: Low EQ/AQ Cardiology IllnessTreatment: Holy Spirit Fellowship, Coke HeatOrientation: Pentecost Speaking in Tongue Psycho: Low CQ Psychology…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y194. Church Administration, Job Communities (Broadcast) 1 May 2022 Cautious, Any one destroy this information for personal beneficial uses, deserve sanction. (5G) Joshua i.e. Mary (Public Relation, Persecutor)(BackEnd)炮 Entertainer 娱乐 Marketing->Client e.g. Disciple Training Seminar, Outpost to Serve Public…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y193. 新加坡为什么选择黄循财?(Bulletin) 30 Apr 2022 Try One take..That is not Final. But that is Journey. That depends on group and individuals. Good Foundation not important, but good Pillar. Look at Malaysia, we have a Strong…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y192. Modular Machine or Scalar Machine Insight (Whitepaper) 30 Apr 2022 The Microsoft Platform a.k.a. Modular Machine, Platform oriented a.k.a. Opensource(Time Sensitive) with Regulator, 3 in 1 (Full Time service)Memory Card CPU Kingston - Quart, Quantum, (Radiant Wave) – Gravitational Field…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y191. Application of Bible into All Religion Crab, Climate Fixed & Medicine Cure (Broacast) 29 Apr 2022 What count the Democracy and Human Right? Its all about the Copyright. Yes, the Dishonouring, to Boycott to Genocide. Its the Fusion. To Anti Semitic to Social Disorder, to Climate…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y191. Application of Bible into All Religion Crab, Climate Fixed & Medicine Cure (Broacast) 29 Apr 2022 What count the Democracy and Human Right? Its all about the Copyright. Yes, the Dishonouring, to Boycott to Genocide. Its the Fusion. To Anti Semitic to Social Disorder, to Climate…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y190. Politics Insight (World Wide & Local)(Census) 29 Apr 2022 A. Original: 安华 (红牛) ->Present: 安华老婆 (公正党) – Joe Biden (Solitary, Hypocrite i.e. Verdict) Imperialist [Dove vs Eagle] Dove (Biblical, Christian)(United Kingdom, France)(WHO)[Messiah, 弥赛亚], Mafia vs Eagle (Theology, Islam)(Japan, Australia)(KMT)[Santa…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y190. Politics Insight (World Wide & Local)(Census) 29 Apr 2022 A. Original: 安华 (红牛) ->Present: 安华老婆 (公正党) – Joe Biden (Solitary, Hypocrite i.e. Verdict) Imperialist [Dove vs Eagle] Dove (Biblical, Christian)(United Kingdom, France)(WHO)[Messiah, 弥赛亚], Mafia vs Eagle (Theology, Islam)(Japan, Australia)(KMT)[Santa…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y189. The Journey of Life to Oriental (Broadcast) 24 Apr 2022 A. Fasci Mafia, Telecom, C Language (Oracle, Database) Quantum Router, Windows (Accounting) Satellite 4G, Electromagnetic, (4per) Trinity (Alpha to Omega, Date back)Quantum: Spiritual World 属灵世界 (the Words the Truth) i.e.…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y188. Blood Type, Crime Tendency, Job, Meta (Bulletin) 23 Apr 2022 Cautious, Any one destroy this information for personal beneficial uses, deserve sanction. #Generation Q, Blood A- (Roman)(Hakka, Mongolia)(Hokkien)(Civil Law)(Food), Life Insurance, Marketing UN - Guineness Beer a.k.a. Stout - Satan…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y187. Small talk on Politics (Census) 22 Apr 2022 Is that the true democracy? There are western and oriental democracy, which filter foreign sentiment and foreign philosophy. Which is Popularism ban Foreign Philosophy. And Imperialism ban Foreign Sentiment. Popularism…