1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y347. Social Engineering V: Colony, Brute Force, Poison, Think Tank, Terrorism (Forum) 30 Sep 2022 Five Risk Word Ransom e.g. Sabotage Colony Intelligent Brute Force: e.g. Children Abduction - True Witness Investment Fund e.g. High Tax Legitimate R&D Fatal Poison: e.g. Half Cooked Steak i.e.…
1. Conspiracy Theory Articles 阴谋论文章 (Essay)… Y346. Social Engineering IV: Reconciliation of Jew Prevent from Genocide (Forum) 30 Sep 2022 *Clarification: This only claim that in which the Jew Community may find, but doesn't rule any regarding the Semitic 12 Sect definition which mean the Economic Load. Nor it can't…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y345. Criminology XII: The Blueprint to Landscape, Landmark, Statue (Bulletin) 29 Sep 2022 For Application into Crime Disruption and War: Metrology Laboratory 服装秀 西雅图 | Fashion Show Seattle | VIETNazi Cult Headquarter 休息站 加州 | Travel Resort California | AUCulture Heritage 行政楼 华盛顿…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y344. Criminology XI: Islam Renaissance vs Islam Democracy (Bulletin) 27 Sep 2022 The Islam Renaissance is a Campaign of Recruiting Other Religion Believer particularly Sri Lanka Tamil, They are Practised Islam Doctrinal Ritual more than Islam Education Teaching. It is known as…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y343. Classification of Ethnic IV: The Famous Three Golden View (Census) 27 Sep 2022 A. Decryption view of Trait of Advent: Fashion Society i.e. CitizenJEWISH Monarchy->Academy Regime->OrientalHygienic Policy->Computer Literacy the Think Tank NKJV (RU+BR->VIET)(犹大日历)(Jude Calendar a.k.a. The Ascension) Tsunami vs Earth Quake (RU King),…
3. Biblical network 圣经网路 (Picture)… Y342. Doctrine Sets determine the Level of Pentecost (Broadcast) 27 Sep 2022 Quantum Isomer: 4 type 4 conjugate (White Light) - longitudinal (Flip Flap) - 2D (Biblical), ESD7 knots (Chromatic Light) - transverse (Escalating) - 4D (Pentecost), IR9 layered (Lantern Light) -…
4. Marriage Telegram 婚姻电报 (Time Phase)… Y341. Christian Education IX: Information Management (Post) 27 Sep 2022 A. Copyright - Covenant - Foundation, Replica - Reinvention for Application - QuantumAlpha, (Host) B. Patent - Law - Pillar - Invention from Solution, Rules Sets - HierarchyRQ, (2nd Host)…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y340. Criminology X: The Copyright Trace Back (Bulletin) 26 Sep 2022 Electro-Magnetic Coherent Wave EMF 4D - The Two Way Time Progression "Chaos Theory" analogy. Alpha; Omega; RY; RQ Coherent Wave - Alpha - 3rd, Nazism Satan, Christ the Redeemer (The…
6. Medicine Journal 医学纂集 (Graph)… Y339. Christian Medicine IV: The Brief of Genetic Blueprint (Journal) 26 Sep 2022 Non Meta Law is Algorithm, i.e. Cryptography in 4D.Meta Law is Scale, i.e. Ladder Knot in 5D.Systematic Law is Rhythm, i.e. Kinematic Wave in 6D. Combine these two makes "Compiler"…
8. Microcontroller & Machine Science White Paper 微晶片与机器科学白皮书 (Structured Data)… Y338. Christian Mathematics III (Whitepaper) 26 Sep 2022 '1' Union (Determined)(Plain)'2' Individual (Assumption)(Biblical)'3' Holistic (Demography)(Isomer)'4' Flip flap, Driving, Pasteurised (Modality)(Quantum)'5' Orientating, Driven, Homogeneous (Geography)(Pentecost)'6' Circuits, Strength (Meta)(Isotope) '7' Stories, Knotting (Chromatic)'8' Channeling, Separation (Octave)'9' Layered, Planetary (Hex)'10' Graded,…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y337. Criminology IX: Revealed of World Events Mastermind (Bulletin) 24 Sep 2022 A. Human Right, Forbid or Promote Christian Education *911 Scapegoat - Nazi cum Fasci Cult, (Islam Renaissance Charismatic), Mahathir vs Anwar64 Scapegoat - Qing Syndicate (Guangdong), Lee Hsien Loong vs…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y336. War Insight X: Space Station Misconduction (Whiteboard) 24 Sep 2022 A. Chinese Medicine NATO, FBI, (False Christ) vs Veterinary Medicine WHO, Switzerland, (False Prophet) - Poverty Class Witness Genocide<->Virus (New Jerusalem) - International Law SG (Buddhism) or MY (Islam) B.…
4. Marriage Telegram 婚姻电报 (Time Phase)… Y335. Christian Education VIII: Heaven, Eternal Life, Abundant Life, and Hell (Post) 24 Sep 2022 A. Chinese Medicine NATO, FBI vs Veterinary Medicine WHO, SwitzerlandCryptography Science 土, DNA, Decryptor, Healing, Ageing vs Archaelogy Genetic 冰, Stem Cell, Encyptor, Surgery, Agelock Biblical Prophecy Ministry (e.g. Generation…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y334. Criminology VIII: Meta Law, Constitution Law, Commission Law (Bulletin) 22 Sep 2022 A. 9 Act 500 times - Meta Law (Fictional Law)(Nuclear Treaty) - AU International Law referendum on All Religion (500 theorem->Integrated into 2 Meta Law->2 Vectors i.e. Biblical Boundary B.…
9. Secret Census 秘密调查 (Chart)… Y333. The Required Verse is the Time Lapse (Census) 22 Sep 2022 One poison one meat. Its depend on your definition. Called Ah Q spirit. For something is irreversible. Yes, the mind poison. I called this Holiness effect. e.g. The Puritan Christian.…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y332. Nuclear Arsenal versus Chemical Weapon (Whiteboard) 21 Sep 2022 As we approaching the New Remarkably Success of Human History of Diminishing of Poverty Globally. The Church has meet Crisis, especially the Catholic versus Pentecostal Church. The Vatican inclined toward…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y331. War Insight IX: The Mechanism of Nature/Manmade Disaster (Whiteboard) 21 Sep 2022 A. Bone Organic Ranking determine the Geography the Geothermal (Virus, Geothermal raised).Universe MaturitySpiritual Body (Homogenous), Quantum (i.e. Inheritance of Gene, Stem Cell, Public Security, Erotic Quality), Benchmark Percentile, Skin Radiation…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y330. War Insight VIII: Stone Age, Star War, Rambo (Whiteboard) 20 Sep 2022 A. Sea Calculate 9 Texture, Music (Love, Patience), EQGlossy (Smooth Luke Gospel), Matte (Neat, Matthew Gospel), Textured (Fur, John Gospel)/Geography(Spiritual Maturity determined by Entropy the so called Spiritual Energy a.k.a.…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y329. Criminology VII: Constitution of Law Reinvented (Bulletin) 20 Sep 2022 *CN vs JP (land)(New Taiwan)->US vs RU (sky)(New Buckingham)->EU vs AU (sea)(New Jerusalem) A. EU (War Crime Constitution) vs AU (Intelligence Act)(Serpent, Devil)New Living version (EU) - Archaelogy Heritage (Covenant)Tyndale…
10. Military Whiteboard 军事白板 (Diagram)… Y328. War Insight VII: Call of Duty (Whiteboard) 19 Sep 2022 A. White Magic (Recovered Earth Quake)(Nuclear Weapon), Quantum Science Sea War EQ, Undo GeographyTsunami a.k.a. Climate Change<->Earth Quake a.k.a. Global Warming (Sea, Pentecostal vs Islam)WHO,WWF - Conquer the World, Colonisation…
4. Marriage Telegram 婚姻电报 (Time Phase)… Y327. Christian Education VII: The Love or Bread (Post) 18 Sep 2022 English version Two Meta Science: The Two Vector Ratio makes the Logo of Cross. Material: Secularistic (Nationalism, Goat, Law)/Literal (Communism, Lamb, People)Spiritual: Natalism (Capitalism, Sheep, Light)/Racialism (Commonwealth, Goat & Sheep,…
7. History Research Bulletin 历史研究布告栏 (Geolocation)… Y326. Criminology VI: Terrorism Headquarter (Bulletin) 18 Sep 2022 Wrong Royalism to IslamIndia become Islam-nised rather than Westernised.Which makes India Islam become democrat Islam, the terrorism organised. And the HQ apparently is Christian Military Regime Dynasty, the Royalism White…