B7. Christian Finance 基督徒金融 Part A. Investment Ethic 投资操守

Insurance Product: Ban *Unless after Marriage & Financial Burden
Convert High Risk into Low Threat: Wrong
Instalment ->receive percentage gain
e.g. Hedge Fund, not Option Insurance.
Analogy to Commercial Law vs Marriage Protection Acts

Investment Product: Ban *Unless no Religion Conflicts.
Convert High Threat into Low Risk: Wrong
Lumpsum ->receive percentage gain
e.g. Buy Blue Chip not Asia Stock.
Analogy to Intelligence Law vs International Contract Acts

Property management: Allow *Unless Not Monopoly
Convert Low Risk into High Threat: Correct
Instalment ->receive multiply gain
e.g. Bond not Monopoly Property.
Analogy to Civil Law vs Human Right Acts

Casino game: Ban *Especially War time or certain event.
Convert Low Threat into High Risk: Conservative
Lumpsum ->receive multiply gain
e.g. Forex not Long term Gold.
Analogy to Criminal Law vs Anti-Social Acts

*Lumpsum is more valuable than Instalment where the interest is low most the time

Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. Matthew 21:12
耶稣进了*圣殿,把所有在圣殿里做买卖的人都赶了出去。他推翻了兑换银币之人的桌子和卖鸽子之人的凳子。马太福音 21:12

*Equivalent and Proven with Islamic Law Applied.

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